Online debates are for perverts, so I’m just going to respond to this and dip out. Feel free to have the last word.
Just because one of the guys in the group (if not more, we don't know that yet) raped the MC's childhood friend without the girls' knowledge, doesn't mean that the girls wouldn't order her to be raped. Guaranteed they would, they just didn't get a chance to before it happened.
Your argument holds no weight.
This is an insane fucking take, there are no hypotheticals in a fictional story! They DIDN’T have anything to do with the inciting incident, that they MIGHT have doesn’t matter, they don’t change the events of the story.
I don’t even blame the MC anymore, the author could have easily written in a girlfriend/sister/mom of the bully to target for revenge rape (god help me), but we don’t even get that! We get some tertiary characters and the bully skates.
It cheapens what happened to his friend, and by extension the whole revenge plot, because it makes it look like the MC was looking for ANY reason to go on a rape spree.
Cowardly or scum, take your pick, but MC is in no hurry to actually get revenge, which is this manga’s biggest crime in my opinion.