Ogami Tsumiki to Kinichijou - Ch. 45 - President Raizen and Halloween

May 7, 2018
This mf discharges every 10 minutes on the dot?? That's awfully convenient for something that's natural and shouldn't really care about the (mostly) arbitrary way humans have subdivided the amount of time it takes for our planet to spin once.
It's possible that he manually discharged so it would line up with the local time to make it easier to manage.
Dex-chan lover
Jul 25, 2018
Quite a depressing character. He says 'they are polar opposites' as if it's two different personalities, but all I see in prez is an emotionally stunted individual who had to have undergone a deeply traumatic childhood and if he were to keep it up, by 40 he'll either randomly one day jump off a bridge or become a raging alcoholic. Author plays it for laughs, but this sort of character rly is unsettling when you take it to the logical conclusion.
Group Leader
Jan 18, 2018
This mf discharges every 10 minutes on the dot?? That's awfully convenient for something that's natural and shouldn't really care about the (mostly) arbitrary way humans have subdivided the amount of time it takes for our planet to spin once.
Yeah, I'm calling bullshit on prez's "natural" 10 minute discharge cycle. Unless dragon boy's got some supercooled caesium atoms knocking around that electrode of his there ain't no way he's only letting his charge fly on such a precise schedule.

Well, the science in this series is very loose, to be kind. Some types like werewolf you can handwave with 'well, it's not completely impossible', but then with other genjin there is definitely magic involved, or there's no way one winged crow girl (Kurobane) could fly, but she does it easily. There's Invisible Boy (who doesn't even have cloaking artifacts) and Medusa Girl (magic eye beams). So discharge every 10 minutes is just more (handwave) 'it's magic!'

Interesting question, though, is whether his being OCD and the ten minute zap are cause and effect or effect and cause. Is he so anal and schedule driven because he's always had this poking him every 10 minutes - you can totally see how that would warp you. Or has he developed his 10 minute tic because he's just naturally anal retentive and his magic is responding to that by giving him the natural clock he desires?

Quite a depressing character. He says 'they are polar opposites' as if it's two different personalities, but all I see in prez is an emotionally stunted individual who had to have undergone a deeply traumatic childhood and if he were to keep it up, by 40 he'll either randomly one day jump off a bridge or become a raging alcoholic. Author plays it for laughs, but this sort of character rly is unsettling when you take it to the logical conclusion.
I'd like to think we're kind of seeing Tsumiki (and the rest) drag him out of that mindset a bit. He, too, is being healed by the head empty fluff.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 9, 2023
I'd like to think we're kind of seeing Tsumiki (and the rest) drag him out of that mindset a bit. He, too, is being healed by the head empty fluff.
There's enough there to start building powerlaunch a ship, if our woofgirl wasn't already taken. Should I read the lack of squalling about enn-tee-arrr as a sign the readership has matured? :lul:
Dex-chan lover
Jun 17, 2024
This mf discharges every 10 minutes on the dot?? That's awfully convenient for something that's natural and shouldn't really care about the (mostly) arbitrary way humans have subdivided the amount of time it takes for our planet to spin once.
Well... if we're going to go full nerd here...
Even though 10 minutes is our arbitrary system, it's a still a subdivision we arbitrary made toward a natural phenomenon which is the time it takes for earth to make 1 rotation around it self. So...
10 minutes = 1/6 of an hour, which an hour is 1/24 of a day; 10 min = 1/6 * 1/24 = 1/144 of a day
1 rotation = 360 degree per 1 day
1/144 of a day * 360 per day = 2.5 degree every 10 minute

So... maybe his Genjin nature has some interactions with earth magnetic field that the buildup will release every 2.5 degree of the earth's rotation? :huh:

Dex-chan lover
Jul 23, 2018
Fml, it's been so long since my jaded heart actually felt some sort of emotion reading a teen oriented rom-com. Each chapter leaves me shuffling my feet and sporting a dumb grin spread wide across my face. Author-san better not fk this up ^^
Dex-chan lover
Aug 3, 2020
Bro just because you do a little zappy every ten minutes doesn’t mean a clock is useless

What if you need to do something at 9:05, huh? HUH?
Imagine if the big athletics festival training arc had ended with this dude as the timekeeper for the relay race and he just declared that it was a three-way tie because everyone finished in under 10 minutes.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 12, 2023
Well... if we're going to go full nerd here...
Even though 10 minutes is our arbitrary system, it's a still a subdivision we arbitrary made toward a natural phenomenon which is the time it takes for earth to make 1 rotation around it self. So...
10 minutes = 1/6 of an hour, which an hour is 1/24 of a day; 10 min = 1/6 * 1/24 = 1/144 of a day
1 rotation = 360 degree per 1 day
1/144 of a day * 360 per day = 2.5 degree every 10 minute

So... maybe his Genjin nature has some interactions with earth magnetic field that the buildup will release every 2.5 degree of the earth's rotation? :huh:
Ah, well, see, but degrees are also quite arbitrary numbers we made up. So is the entire decimal system, really. So, the closest we can get to natural cycles is 1/144th of the planet's rotational cycle, whatever that is.
Well, the science in this series is very loose, to be kind. [...]

Interesting question, though, is whether his being OCD and the ten minute zap are cause and effect or effect and cause. [...]
I was mostly joking tbf, and yeah, the connection between his zaps and no-nonsense OCD behavior is definitely there, even if only at a character trait level. I did consider, while entertaining the whole "10 minutes on the dot" thing that maybe it's supposed to be "roughly" 10 minutes, but because his OCD (which he may have gotten from the zaps themselves, in a sort of feedback loop) he sort of "nudged" it to become 10 minutes exactly.

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