Okiraku Ryoushu no Tanoshii Ryouchi Bouei ~Seisan-kei Majutsu de Na mo na Kimura wo Saikyou no Jousai Toshi ni~ - Vol. 3 Ch. 16.1

Power Uploader
Aug 11, 2020
Translator has badly censored all the boobs, here is all of them captured from the raws (right click and enlarge)

Also, there's a whole ass page missing as well
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Dex-chan lover
Aug 14, 2019
Why the hell would you censored the boobs? If the translator has a thing against cleavage then maybe he shouldn't be working on this series.

Which brings me to this question:

Can we get another group to work on this?
Dex-chan lover
Dec 18, 2020
can you guys stop putting credit pages connected to the actual page,
I use manga dex so i don't need to be forced into long style pages

I always report the chapter every time I see them doing it. Adding length to a book-style page is against Mangadex's rules.

Rule 3.2.3 violation. "Do not combine book-style pages of a chapter into a vertical longstrip image (e.g. merging a book page with other book pages, credit pages, notes, etc)."
Dex-chan lover
Dec 25, 2019
DMCAs would have nothing to do with the type of content. the Digital Media Copyright Act is, as the name very specifically states, all about copyright status and enforcement.

Could they be getting DMCA takedowns over the fact that they're illegally scanlating a manga? Absolutely. Almost every work on this site that's not explicitly creator-approved (and even those might have a bit of a gray area depending on whether the creator owns the entire suite of rights or signed some/all of them over to their publisher) can be subject to that.

Are they getting a DMCA takedown because they're working on a series that has boobies (and not even exposed ones at that)? Highly, highly, highly unlikely.

I suppose it's possible that someone is trying to harass them on the grounds of the content for other reasons (though if they wanted them shut down then actually going the DMCA route and reporting the copyright violation would probably be a lot easier and more straightforward/threatening) but if they are confusing copyright enforcement with censorship then that's actually kind of another strike against the quality of their translation.

Because ye gods was this chapter difficult to understand. Not on a broad level. I get the broad sense of the plot (the two girls were sent to check in on Van because the rise of his village in such a short time is suspicious and because he was originally sent there with no expectations of him being able to achieve anything on account of his status as a failure and the village's status as tiny and unimportant) but the dialogue is stilted, awkward, and clumsy on almost every single page. It's honestly getting worse as we go along.

It's not hard to see how this happened. When the group went for a couple of months without updating regularly between chapters 11 and 12 the translation team listed on the credit page changed almost entirely, and they've now changed again as of this chapter. Whether the old team was overworked and handed it off to a "b-team" or they were ousted for poor work and replaced with someone untested, the differences in translation quality and style sync up with the changes to the roster.

I said this after a previous chapter but I don't know whether this is an issue of them translating Japanese -> Korean -> English and some of the texture of the writing getting lost, an issue of this simply not being a very sharply written work to begin with, or just straight up a problem with the translator/proofreader not being highly proficient in English and struggling to write well. But they really need to up the quality of the work. Heck, even the beg page at the end of the chapter is clumsy as hell. "all of our members make a great effort to produce elaborate chapters." What the heck is that? Nobody says "a great effort" like that and certainly nobody uses the word "elaborate" in that context.

I generally don't like the idea of scanlators begging for money because this is already something illegal and actively seeking to profit off of it (even if the "profit" is just to cover costs. Which wouldn't technically be profit but that's neither here nor there) is the kind of thing that's likely to draw extra unwanted attention and create ammo to get scanlations shut down more easily. But in spite of that, if you're going to ask for money you have to at least give your customers value they feel is worth paying for.

It's funny that there are groups out there trying so hard to snipe entrenched works with respected long-term translators but stuff like this is left by the wayside to languish when it would be easy to poach and outperform the support its getting now.
Jun 20, 2020
There are a lot of manga that have girls in theese type of clothes though. So why aren't they censored if it is a problem? That is just some random bs in my opinion.
Well my main problem though is the translation. What the heck happened? Why have the translations for this manga become so bad?

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