This whole waste product removal soundsclike BS anyone know for sure? I assume it helps make milk but wtf is waste product removal?
Sounds like some sort of odd Japanese belief, like "the stable period".
got curious about the breast massage for first timers, but google didn't show anything with science/medicals facts about that...
I went on a google scholar quick search, and found:
- Breast massages are mostly done to increase milk production and efficiency for new mothers
- Breast massages have the secondary function of helping to accustom the breasts to milk production, reduce pain, reduce stress, and increase Oxytocin, and prolactin
- And finally, there's this one korean paper that says that breast massage exercises can lower the pressence of breast milk sodium, however this is quite an unimpressive feature, because breast milk sodium naturally "lowers" itself as mothers start producing more milk, regardless of breast massage exercises
By now you must be asking "why the fuck is lower Na on breast milk important?" most breast milk is fine as is however it so just happens that when there is
poor breast milk production the Na ratio on the breast milk increases
Why would that be bad? because there's an inverse correlation between Na and weigh gain in babies (from the same article)
So when mothers have problems producing breast milk, their milk will be saltier (because there's less milk to dilute things), and their babies will have more problems gaining weigh, however good milk production naturally makes less salty milk, and the Na+ ratio will naturally decrease after 3 days to a week since milk production increases
Also Na+ levels on breast milk are a good indicator to predict and monitor breast milk production
Alright so what does this all means? that this manga sits on a throne of lies!
Not only do breast massage exercises make breast feeding easier, it makes it less unpleasant, and is pleasurable, it also helps increase milk production, which in turn naturally lowers the salt levels of milk
Even if a mother experiences anomalous breast feeding in which the activity is painful, breast massage exercises should help with reducing pain, rather than being a painful experience in itself, so that whole deal with all the moms being afraid of breast massages because they are painful, is just false, unless Japan just does some backward savage breast massage exercise trying to force milk out of a dry boob, like pinching nipples until they bleed and putting boobs on a hydraulic press machine
There's also no such thing whatsoever as
waste product removal, the only compositional change that breast massage exercises have on breast milk, is the reduction of salt content
ratio on the milk, BUT! this is a byproduct of an increment on breast milk production rather than a removal of "waste products accumulating on the breast", in sort is not that the milk has less salt, it is just that there's way more milk