Onani Master Kurosawa

Feb 10, 2018
I remember reading this back in 2015 and to this day it's the only manga that ever brought me on the verge of tears. I think we all have a little bit of Kurosawa in us.
Dex-chan lover
Apr 12, 2018
Suddenly had an urge to reread this and i didn't know that chapter 31,5 exist.

@havelmom Hurrdurr i don't like it therefore it is shit. But seriously? Comparing this with yotsuba&? Did yotsuba& also have tragedy, drama and psychological tags?
Dex-chan lover
Jan 19, 2018
to be fair I should have specified more why I gave this a 2
to me, manga is composed of various qualities in which it needs to be good

[ol]- art style and quality of presentation
- story and theme
- pacing, development and cohesion [/ol]

let's start by rating this a 10
the quality of presentation of this is appalling, looks like a pencil sketching. Don't even need to touch on the low effort looks of most characters, in special brocolli dude, which is looks cartoonish and it's an obvious device to make him look silly, in effort of trying to make the reader dislike him. To me, that's -2 points.

the theme of this is alien. this dude can only masturbate on some abandoned stall for reasons we can't know. he even abstains from masturbating when he has no access to the school (for whatever reason). This story would make more sense if he really went out of his way to steal clothes, shoes, objects from the girls in order to fantasize about it. But no, this dude, somehow thinks he's 'defiling' these girls by simply jacking off somewhere private. Before he does the initial revenge, there is no story, there is no theme, there is nothing happening. Let's also talk about meek and petty his 'gran revenge act' is. It's basically nothing, by that time those gals have done 5000 times worse to the gloomy glasses girl, but somehow they take a huge hit from it and stop after it. These relentless bullies, with months of abusing maybe years, they stop. After 1 prank. It's really funny how the teachers were ignoring the bullying made by the girls but the second this dude pulls some spunk prank on these girls everyone is fucking terrorized, call the cops, stop everything. The theme is so bad it's almost funny, -2 points.

But here is the greatest offender of this manga, one of the worst in this website, the development. Broccoli dude, the only ok character which he are supposed to hate for some reason, swoops in and gets the girl that were hitting on the MC. What she was doing was hitting on him, maybe the author does not understand a lot about male x female interactions but that's we call it here in Brazil and I guess pretty much everywhere in the world, that's showing interest on someone. But wait, she was hitting on Broccoli too. Why didn't we see it? cause otherwise it would lose the shock value right, otherwise it would make sense. Clearly, more than having a cohere story developed where MC and Broccoli fight for the same girl, it's more important to try and cause shock to the reader. At that point it was almost a comedy to me, Broccoli my dude showing this delusional dude how to not beat around the bush, even if it means going after the girl your supposed 'bro' is aiming at, screw comradery, go after her you saw it first! This somehow triggers a great vengeance plan, again just taking some piss on the girl, she is obviously DEVASTATED lmao, here the manga is unsalvageable, nothing matters because none of this makes any sense or has any tangible relation to reality and social inter workings. -3 Points

we are left with a 4/10 manga, ok, nobody is perfect, this dude just sat down and shat a horrible turd for meme value. But somehow, a bunch of dudes start relating to this (???) and think it's deserving of a 10/10 rating. You either, never read a real masterpiece deserving of a 10 or you're trolling. -2 points here cause fuck this lmao

again: SHAME on anyone who gives this a 10
this can be your favorite manga, it's not a fucking 10 and you know it
Mar 24, 2018
Well, to be perfectly fair, nor does fucking Yotsuba - it's boring, flat, feels superficial, and probably can bring elation only to those shallow people that confuse lack of joy with unhappiness, and like to play safe martyrs by wallowing in self perceived "misery" (let's be real, if you have the time and means to indulge yourself in leisurely activity like reading manga, you're not miserable). Same goes for that forrest-gumpy Machida-kun. None of those are bad by the way, but holly fuck, they're not tens - not even sevens. And they certainly are not "masterpieces".

...and yet here we are, with both having some of the highest ratings on this site (and some awards to back them up), because somehow "wholesomeness" (wut) became relevant. So, popularity and score normalization are skewed toward simple works and liking platitudes, boo hoo. Who cares.

Anyway, bitching about other people tastes is straying away from the topic, so.


Jul 20, 2018
Reread this. I love this manga, definitely my favorite from both the artist and author. Kurosawa is a disgusting yet compelling MC, and seeing his journey throughout the story honestly fills you with hope. I like the intensity of the art and the blunt monologues go well together. Overall, I think what makes this story so great is that first the premise takes you out of your comfort zone and then you get hit with the same emotions Kurosawa has to struggle with in order to change.

Overall, 10/10. The story's appeal is varied but I'd say try it. It's only 30 chapters.
Group Leader
Jun 24, 2018
Currently re-reading the first ever manga I’ve ever read. Nostalgia had me thinking thst the art was world-class, disappointed when it wasn’t, but the story complimented(?) by the art had me fall in love with it all over again.
Group Leader
Apr 17, 2018
Just read this for the first time and its an easy 9.5/10 this was amazing and totaly lived up to the hype
Jun 17, 2018
The ending still pisses me off after all these years, NTRing Kitahara for Sugawa is the worst disservice you could ever do to your readers. Choosing the girl who caused all that fucking emotional trauma for the MC and Kitahara completely defies any moral logic at all. The MC conveniently forgets that Kitahara was driven to multiple suicide attempts and yet he still has the gall to make her go to their class reunion to face people that only treated her with malice. The message that that the author tried to convey was that Kurosawa needed to correct his flaws and confess in order to "grow up" and be accepted. Yet somehow, the rest of the class is conveniently exempt from this in relation to Kitahara's treatment. None of the MCs classmates face any consequences for bullying Kitahara (in fact, most were rewarded for it in a sense) yet the MC is the one who is forced to change even though his actions were acts of retribution. Anyone who thinks this manga has a "good ending" is completely detached from reality. The only saving grace is that the art style was refreshing to see.

shit manga 3/10
Jul 21, 2018
Why this garbage rated so high? It's bad manga in all aspects. Don't read, just a waste of time.
Active member
May 17, 2018
I normally meme on every fucking comment, but this actually changed the way I saw the world.

I stopped being a little bitch ass and started facing shit head on.

Quite literally 8 years later, I reread this after recommending it to my friend as the most influential manga I've ever read. It's not really relaxant to me at all anymore.

I can see the flaws in the characters, how pissed you'd get after cucking Kitahara, but the final relationship is my favorite.

You've really gone full circle. It's a story about redemption, and we can see it through the person that he's dating. Squirrel hasn't redeemed herself yet, and it'd be incredibly unfitting of the story for the foil to be able to redeem herself.

Maybe it's because I see myself a lot more as that girl. I still haven't said sorry either, and I can do nothing about it. That guilt will haunt me until I die. It's not as if a sorry can make up for what I did.

It's really the slice of life that was a slice of life to me, and I dare say it's responsible for shaping my world view today.

It's not perfect, that's fair, but there's something about it.

I'm glad I read this, and I'm glad I read it again.
Aggregator gang
Mar 17, 2018
I'm baffled how this can be rated so high. I understand how it can have so many fans, but please, it's the same as people rating yaoi 1. "I like it/hate it so I give it 10/1". It's quality of writing is medicore, art is a lazy sketch, and it's whole value apparently lies in "psychological" and "tragedy" parts which are obviously close to some of the readers who apparently can identify with some of the characters but totally absurd to others. It has high shock value for sure, and if you read it in high/middle-school there is also nostalgia factor. Good for you I guess? For me it's easily forgettable experience (to the point of remembering it after getting here with the random button).
May 10, 2018
I liked it about 6 years ago, when i read it the first time, and I like it now. It's a story about personal growth and redemption from self-centered fetishist to a normal, functional member of the society. I think it tackles a lot of topics realistically and with maturity.

I gave it a 10. Please recommend me something you consider a 10, i'm genuinely interested if you just have a different taste or there really is something much better around.
Aggregator gang
Mar 17, 2018
@mudcrab easy: Homunculus https://mangadex.org/title/1543/homunculus if you are into psychological manga.
There is also Monster, but some people consider it overrated. Also probably anything from Inoue Takehiko, but Vagabond and REAL (that's the title) especially. Hell, even Slam Dunk even if it was WSJ title. Warning: don't expect a happy ending in any of them like in this manga.

What you are saying is interesting because all that redemption is shown mostly off-screen with little or no explanation from MC behavior. It's more like he was used as a tool of revenge and got fed up of it.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 19, 2018
not all my 10s, just my most obvious ones:
Seven Little Sons of the Dragon
Terrarium in Drawer
Fujiyama-san wa Shishunki
Ninja Shinobu-san no Junjou
Dungeon Meshi
Yotsuba to!
Tenju no Kuni
Witch Hat Atelier
Aharen-san wa Hakarenai

notice that a real 10 has visuals, it has characters, it has logic, it has effort from the author/ artist, it's a work of art and a work of the heart too
if you give this manga (onani master) a 10, then your 10 has no meaning, might as well give a 10 to everything you like and a 1 to everything you dislike.
Group Leader
Nov 1, 2018
I would enjoy one more thing.
If there was an alternative ending spin-off with Kurosawa ending up dating Kitahara.

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