@dexdoujinmanga If that's true, then that proves that Bofoi is not behind the Organisation. Though I suppose there's still the alternative that he thinks King is strong, but that he does not pose a threat to him.
He probably doesn't. King never has to fight, because his opponents are always intimidated by his sheer presence. So Bofoi could not have collected any data on him.
And even if he has panic attacks or goes into hiding, from the outside it looks like he is powering up (king engine) or tactically planning an ambush.
He might know about Kings obsession with video games, though.
Go to https://www.reddit.com/r/OnePunchMan/
Then below the subreddit icon, click on "Chapters."
This will take you to a google drive with all the chapters.
At this point, I wouldn't be shocked if Bofoi / Metal Knight and his experiments are the reason why Genos is why he is, and it also explains who might have been responsible for that "random" Cyborg attack in Genos's backstory.
Definitely think Bofoi is going to turn out to be a Red Herring. Think the Neo Heroes (some part of it) are going to turn out to be the one’s responsible, what with all the recent chapters focus on them turning people into cyborgs, regardless of individual consent, like Metal Bat (whose fight we still haven’t cut back to) and the Puri-Puri Prisoners (wonder what the results/aftermath were).
@Theozilla definitely a red herring. It'd be too obvious if it was him doing the experiments. It's most likely someone within Neo, or maybe Blast himself, calling it right now.