One Punch Man (Webcomic/Original) - Ch. 139

Fed-Kun's army
Jul 10, 2018
The real plot twist here would be that Drive knight is telling the truth.

Wait a second! How did drive knight know about Genos' backstory?
Dex-chan lover
Apr 28, 2019
I like Drive Knight, hope he doesn't turn evil. But i do agree that he is a bit suspicious.
Active member
Sep 23, 2018
The only thing we can trust in is that Saitama will miss a bargain sale in order so save the day.
Feb 6, 2018
@Dj0rel That's what I was thinking. Since when did Drive Knight know about Genos' search for the Mad Cyborg? Genos has never told anyone aside from Dr. Kuseno and Saitama.

There's definitely some truth to Drive Knight's story, with him telling about his hunt after Bofoi's machines (if we assume G5 of the Monster Association is an undercover act for DK), and G5 stealing Bofoi's dismantled robot during that arc. But then again, the best lies are those which are based on the truth after all. Much more believable and all that.

I guess it all comes down to Genos' discipline now, how much he's matured ever since his meeting with Saitama. Maybe he'll have enough presence of mind to call his doctor first (although I don't trust that one completely either, but at least more than Drive Knight. And I have the slight feeling that one is rather on the redemption path or sth.), or maybe he'll run into Saitama with his "anti-bad hero name group" Hero Names Association (thanks, broadsword80! 😄 ) while on the way to Metal Knight.

Also, I don't think it's a coincidence how their hero names are so alike. Metal Knight and Drive Knight. Although, after looking it up, apparently Metal Knight's hero name is written in Katakana, and Drive Knight's in kanji? Unless that by itself is, yet again, a method to hide that fact. After all, Drive Knight did choose his own hero name. Metal Knight did so too in a way, but only as a request ...
Dex-chan lover
Aug 18, 2020
Why does the fanbase hate Drive Knight so much? He's super cool and actually seems to oblige in saving people
Dex-chan lover
Dec 14, 2019
Damn, good stuff!!! And mind anyone remind me if the Neo Suits are built and designed by Bofoi or not, please!!!
Sep 16, 2020
Bro this guy is very suspicious. Sounds like he's telling Genos what he wants to hear rather than the truth


Dex-chan lover
Aug 15, 2020
I would trust drive knight more than metal knight.
Jan 25, 2021
Oh my god, a WILD CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT APPEARED. ONE is doing something with Genos' character. Finally.
You know, if Drive Knight has been augmenting himself with pieces of Bofoi's robots, I'll bet there's probably a way for the villain to control him remotely using dormant software. Like a rootkit for his entire body.
It's either that or
Drive Knight was a DOUBLE red herring and was being used to capture Genos all along

I hope something really interesting will come out of this. I like Genos' bizarre idealism, but I'm kinda over him as a hyper-serious ingenue.
Time for some action.
Jun 3, 2019
Under the assumption that everything Drive Knight is saying is true, the most plausible way for him to know Genos's backstory is that it came up when he was pursuing the mad cyborg. If he was able to dig up all that information about Metal Knight, it wouldn't have been out of the ordinary for him to learn about which areas were attacked and if anyone survived those attacks.
Nov 21, 2020
Oh, so Drive Knight's nanite (presumably) transformations are named not after regular chess pieces, but either after shōgi pieces or after both? Cool.

...wait, so technically there can be reprogrammed monsters among HA heroes? (I mean, the more plausible version is some monsters being secretly ordered by Bofoi, but the first version sounds more interesting to explore.)

On the other hand, as much as I'd like to believe in what Drive Knight is saying - and he does seem to have great research skills - he's always struck me as a bit sus... Well, I'm just glad that ONE's finally remembered about Genos's backstory, even if the supposed revelation isn't a big surprise.
Dex-chan lover
Jul 28, 2018
I was gonna make a comment about the monster names being "Haha extending neck giraffe funni" but holy shit that was a lot to take in from DK.
So if what he says is true, then just holy shit dude. But I just can't really shake off the feeling that there's malicious intent, like DK's cool, but something about him feels so... off.

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