Dunno why this whole robo invasion stuff feels like they're beeing orchestrated by the NEO hero, just so that they can further their own agenda
I get a feeling that NEO Hero are also being played.
If metal knight is the one behind both Neo tech and this army, then whoever win he still win in the end.
There's pretty high chance that he's hidden some kind of shut down/overwrite function within the Neo equipment where he can later turn them all powerless or into his minions.
So even if Neo heroes win here, they'll replace more and more of old heroes who are the real threat in metal knight eyes, thus indirectly weakening their own side in the future conflict.
If they lose, well, the damage will be severe enough that he can probably pull some string to have the public opinion be against your 'generic' heroes and demand hero association cut them off for the same result.
There's no influencing with the S-class since those act for their own reasons and not because of organization order.