Like i said before, go re read my previous comment
(2-3 before).
already said those reason.
and also i cleary said, most of us already following One Piece long enough, we saw they grow, following them step by step almost each month every year till now since we were kids (me personally). because we do that, then in our mind or maybe "heart" create a bond to this "One piece" and with that bond come up a feel of "Respect", even if the story sometimes lead to the shit arc and dumb action we still see it. even if we didn't see it for a long time and accidentally saw One Piece (especially Anime) we will feel a nostalgic about this manga.
Let me ask you which comes up first One Piece or Bleach? ahahaha.. now you see the reasoning on above, so don't mention bleach.
Thats why i gave a reply when after i see someone mentioned One Piece to One Punch man and comparing them, even they bragging about how superior one piece is.
So I gave them reply by beeing on the Neutral point of view by disregard respectful and bond feeling.
I said One Piece is shit. and go try find new reader who never touch this One piece and Naruto manga/anime, and tell them to start from the very beginning. after that tell them to give review about it (I bet they will get sick even before it reach end/latest chapter). And feed them with One Punch Man then you will shocked by their review.
Just go re-read again my 2-3 previous reply.
(Take a good example "DORAEMON" it still rocking till this day, so you should know what i mean)