One-Punch Man

Mar 4, 2018
I'm just going to state my opinion here but for me One-Punch-Man is the most overrated manga I've ever read. It's not horrible but it's not good either.
Most of the characters are just stereotypes and every fight is basically the same as a Power Rangers/Sentai episode. Monster comes seems strong but loses in the end. Every fight that seems to have stakes just ends if saitama (or any other s-class heroes) shows up That's why almost every fight is lame even those that seem cool like the fight against the giant centipede, which was my favorite fight in this manga till now, stops being interesting after saitama shows up . It's always the same pattern of introducing some kind of villain or monster, hyping it up for a few chapters only to die in one panel and that's admittedly fun. For at most 2 times then it turns into watching the same shit again and again.

A friend of mine is a real big fan of the anime adaptation and his reasons for loving the anime are mainly he loves the characters and said he was interested in what the rest of the s-classes abilities are and secondly that he loves the fact it's a very good parody of every typical shounen.

In the beginning I was also interested in the s-class but most of them don't have interesting abilities they are just strong. There are exceptions for example the esper, there's a guy who's strong and has a sword, then a child genius and an adult genius who are both fighting in mechs (which essentially makes them strong with rockets and shit) and there's one who is strong because he's a cyborg.
The only real interesting s-class heroes are the one we haven't seen yet, pig-god (in my opinion the only one who has an interesting ability because it's not something I've seen millions of times I only saw a character like this in The Meaning of Llife from Monty Python) and Zombieman who is ability is to be strong and to be undying. In fact I'm only interested in him because the glimpses we see of his backgroundstory are way more interesting than the actual story of One-Punch-Man . King was funny for about 2 chapters now he is just repeating the same running gag that's on one hand boring but on the other hand completely insane and absolutely unbelievable in this setting. It's mainly a comedy manga so I'm not gonna fault the story for this.

In the beginning I also thought One-Punch-Man is a good parody of the typical shounen manga but the only reason I still read this is because it is like a shounen. Even though the genre has been done to death and beyond ( for you younglings out there shounen was like isekai is now) I still enjoy these manga as a lighthearted not getting to invested into a story read and I also think that way about One-Punch-Man. What I'm trying to say here is that I think a parody that I enjoy because it's like the stories it's parodying isn't a good parody it's a pretty decent shounen manga.

One-Punch-Man is not atrocious but a 9.4?! Really?!? It has a better score than Fullmetal Alchemist which has in my opinion one of the best stories ever written. It has a higher score than Soul Eater which has also in my opinion the most interesting and unique characters in manga. It even has a higher score than Gintama and honestly I don't care much for Gintama. When I was younger I never got into it and nowadays it has to many episodes to catch up, but I did think that It was impossible to get more fans than Gintama.

So to sum it all up I think One-Punch-Man is an okay manga but it's by faaaaaaar not the best on this site.
Fed-Kun's army
Nov 9, 2018
interesting, your view is kinda similar to people I heard that says the webcomic version is far better
have you read the webcomic one?
Mar 4, 2018

I read parts of it but never noticed any major differences except the art obviously. I'll check it out and see if it's any better.
May 11, 2019

The whole point of the story of One Punch is that although many people call themselves "heroes", there are very few actual heroes in the OPM world. It makes fun of anime without even trying to make fun of it, because the heroes act like real people rather than as caricatures of what an "honorable" hero would look like. This leads to both heroes and the legions that worship them acting in incredibly selfish and stand-offish ways. Most heroes are jobbers, and the series makes this very clear: they don't really want to risk their lives for others, and with very few exceptions(like Mumen Rider) most will not throw themselves into truly risky situations. In fact, the S rank is the only set that even mildly breaks from this pattern, with Mask, Blizzard, and TTT being the "gatekeepers" of each respective hero division.

King is not supposed to be funny; it's the reactions from people who are so terrified of him that make the interludes with him funny.

The abilities themselves are not parodies either - people just gain abilities in weird ways in the OPM world:
A homeless man sees god while sleeping in the park and becomes homeless emperor
A man wears a costume for too long from a character he played on a tv show, and becomes that character
Crazed activists who think humanity is a disease become the monsters that can erase the disease

Most of the humor of the series comes from the strong contrasts of the characters and the fact that they actually commit to their bits.
Watching Garou, a man who is renowned for "evolving" beyond his opponents to win, keep trying to change to beat Saitama, is an example of this.
Stop looking at the series as a parody - it's not.
Oct 12, 2018

That's not particularly true. Even if they lose often onscreen, the Hero Association's heroes have built a lot of faith in the people based on their good deeds, and we've never seen them back down from following through on a heroic act. The surface team was willing to delve into the MA base if it meant saving a single child, and all of them despised the notion of abandoning a single life.

The Tank-Toppers that everyone loves to hate forced themselves out of their hospital beds to defend the civilians who couldn't be moved. Snek and Max went back into the meat grinder to rescue Suiryu, despite him being leagues stronger than them.

Even the unsavory heroes have a reason for the sordid things they do. Metal Knight, who was willing to bomb the base and kill Waganma, was acting in the best interest of humanity's collective survival (from his point of view).

They hold fast when civilians are in danger, and they don't run from losing battles. Whether they're doing it for recognition, money, fame, or just because it's the right thing to do, the heroes are just that; heroes.
Apr 20, 2018
@Trexxe you're disappointed precisely because you're putting so much emphasis on characters and their abilities. Yes the heroes and villains make it a fun setting for people who love shounen, but it should be viewed as a comedy first of all. It's funny because Saitama is applying IRL adult logic to villains and other heroes, who think they're all that because of their crazy powers, which just makes them seem pitiful. Even the powers and backstories are ridiculous. It's the same kind of humor as in Mob Psycho, except there it's a little toned-down and more heart-warming. It's incredibly sarcastic, and thinking too much about the plot kinda misses the point, since the series started as a hobby in the first place (which is why I don't like Murata's version as much, despite the gorgeous art. It's too battle-esque for what it is).
It's fine if it's not your cup of tea, not everyone should like the same thing. If you think it's not that good, then place a low score, and the people who think it is good will place a high score. Saying it is overrated kinda misses the point of an aggregate score, it got the rating people thought it deserves based on their own tastes.

EDIT: BTW, you shouldn't compare OPM's rating with the likes of FMA. different genres are rated with different standards in mind. For a plot-heavy and serious series (pun unintended) like FMA, its score is incredibly high and shows well how good it is.
Aug 6, 2019
People rating this 9.5/10? are you crazy? Is OPM as a manga better than AOT or One Piece? I do not believe it is.
May 31, 2019
Previous commenter, because of you I remember that I haven't rated this manga, so thank you for the reminder! Now, where's that rating button...
Dex-chan lover
Mar 17, 2018
@Trexxe you kinda miss the point then the manga's a satire of the typical shounen fight become stronger repeat formula. It wasn't meant to be taken seriously that's what's so great about it. While everyone's struggling to survive, we have a superman who goes and beats everything up while people think he's a peon. there's no tension cause we all know the outcome but that's what's great about it it's original.
Mar 23, 2018

why bring it up here? saying OPM is garbage compared to One Piece?

Let me tell you some slap reality!!

If not from Childhood Memory and respect for One Piece when i was kid, i would give 5/10 rate to One Piece right now.

After times passed we grow up dude.
same shit story with Naruto too..
Naruto and One Piece show us how to fight with will power and become stronger. but despite that shit development the MC will keep struggling even fighting some weakling. am i wrong?
also not to mention the FILLER DRAMA!!
It was already a classic story to say "Thats all is for the sake of world building story"

And here we are a ONE PUNCH MAN give us a "breaking Habit" of those old style shit story. and suit us who has grown up.

hates me as much as you can.. i am only pointed out my honest comments.
Dex-chan lover
Jun 8, 2018
@NaniTheFuck I have to agree with ya XD
But at least the art is good....that's honestly what gets us through most bad or subpar manga right?
Mar 6, 2019
Pretty nice chapter, have to say i enjoy the dynamic between flashy and saitama a lot. Wish ONE would come back since the web comic is also at such a part
Oct 2, 2018
@nani lmao dawg your so off it hurts. Saying the best manga in the game is trash to sound cool and edgy. lemme guess you got maybe a 3rd of the way through and lord yourself knowledgeable enough to rate it smh. If it was as bad as you say and suffers naruto symptoms then y is it still running and super popular (while naruto is on their 3rd run now lol)? maybe you're only able to follow short plot lines and gag manga like OPM so its not your fault for not getting the world building as you say. Also your constant emphasis on OP being for children and OPM being for grown men shows your age more than you think lol. You're fully allowed to not like it, but rating it a 5/10 is you being immature. Your free to your opinion even though its trash as you say.
but this is a OPM thread so yeah, dope chap cant wait till ending of this arc. gonna be lit af
Jul 13, 2019
Man, I gotta say, I love how the illustration conveys the comedy. It’s genius. My sides hurt when flashy kept ignoring Saitama😭
Mar 23, 2018

LoL im saying what the reality is.
you mean that i don't know Naruto and its progress until Buroto out? ahhaha
i have been following Naruto since he was just a boy with no ninja badge/emblem, the movie, and then he become a parent and hokage, and how the Boruto rebel and try to show the world that he didn't want to live in Naruto shadow (Reputation to beeing Hokage son).
And you tell i cant follow to plot? haha how ridiculous.

like i said before, it's just sometimes people grown up, seeing more manga and more novel, and learning something that its not just Naruto and One Piece are the only Manga/anime out there.

I also said that, if it not due to my childhood memories and respect to all this old generation manga/anime i would already give 5/10 to them.
its not because i hated them, no, no, like i said, we/me grow up (you should now what i mean, but if not then there no helping it)

Let me ask you again, if you can find new people who never read or watch Naruto or One piece before and tell them to start from the very beginning of that Manga (well i hope they didn't get bored), after that ask them about their opinion and then tell them to read and watch One Punch Man.
Just what kind of review that they will tell you? hahaha.

also let me put some slap face too.
Naruto and One piece need countless season and years to get people attention and finally know the fame of this Manga/Anime (International/widely known).
But tell me, How Long One Punch Man become International Viral Manga/Anime?

I'm not trying to be sounds cool or what. it just happened to be like that. maybe you are the one who think i am cool, that's all.

and also im not the one starting a thread about other Manga in here, it just happened that some people was talking about it and i react to it but ofcourse with my honest comment.

But if you think my opinion is biased then go ahead do research. not to Mention that both Naruto and One Piece even lose to Manhwa from Korean called "SOLO LEVELING".

Go Compared your
(Naruto x One piece) with (One Punch Man x Solo Leveling).

And then talk to me again.

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