@apothem Yes, I think is very worthwhile to translate Tsubakuma, because the comedy on that series is golden, same as all the works of Nakamura Kanko, for example: https://knowyourmeme.com/photos/717610-hentai-quotes
It looks like this series will be a normal TV series, that is, 12 chapter of 24 minutes each one, with its premier being October 5, so it seems that every chapter of the anime will adapt 2 or maybe 3 chapters of the manga, so they will adapt all of the currently published chapters or at least they will be pretty close of doing so, that depends on if they adapt 2 or 3 manga chapters per every anime chapter. Even is all of the currently available chapters of the manga are adapted to the anime, it would still be nice to get a translation of the manga, because I doubt this series will come to an end in the short term and I have also doubts if we will get a second season, besides there is always differences between anime and manga, even with the most faithful adaptations or even worse we could get some sort of censorship or the content could be changed or downplayed on some way (I am watching you KyoAni's Kobayashi-san), although the trailer seems to suggest that the adaptation will be pretty faithful, at least with the first anime chapter, but a whole different story may be the rest of the series and we can not know that with only watching the trailer.
So my conclusion is, yeah, it is ver worthwhile to translate Tsubakuma.