
Aug 15, 2020
Hey! Just wanted to say thank you for the TLs. I loved Sesame Salt and Pudding and love the new story as well. I love your taste in manga so I look forward to the series you pick next.

I don't know if you have already picked the next story...but I would love to recommend Moral Sense. There haven't been any translations after season 2 and the series ends after season 3. If you haven't read the series, it's super cute. The first two seasons are on mangadex.

Thanks for the hard work once again! Cheers!
Jul 25, 2018
Hello i come here just wanted to say thank you for translating Sesame Salt and Pudding series, i really love this series thanks for bringing this series and translating it from the start until the end so fast
Once again thank u so much🤗🤗
Dec 14, 2020
thanks for the translations! i really like the series you pick and you did the translation so well. its so easy to read and the side notes really help. keep it up! ^^
Group Leader
Jul 11, 2020
@otaesakata Thank you so much, truly honored you trust my taste in manga 🥺💕 The plan is to only stick to ones I believe in, and to do them one at a time until they’re complete. I’ve never read Moral Sense but I’ll check it out since you think it’s similar 😄

@Hana-chan No problem, and thank you!! I’m so glad you liked it 🤓❤️

@Moremangapls Yayyy thank you 🥺 my goal is to make it easy to read and to make sure certain things don’t get lost in translation. I hate when I read a manga and there’s an obvious cultural reference that doesn’t get explained by the translator. In other words, I’m very very glad you appreciate me adding that stuff 😭
Jun 27, 2020
After Sesame I officially trust all your decisions and will be a devoted follower for life. Thank you!
Group Leader
Jul 11, 2020
@TrillianDax Do I deserve it? Probably not. Am I thankful? Yes.

@Fluffypiffy Thank you 🥺I’m honestly nervous because Hana is ultimately so different from Sesame Salt (and tbh Sesame Salt is always gonna be my #1).
Apr 28, 2020
Just a random person here to tell you that I absolutely love your translations. How you add in modern slang, it makes the reader feel so much more connected to the story and way less cringy and easier to read. I laughed my butt off when I first saw the word "YEET". Thank you so much for bringing such quality translations. (◍•ᴗ•◍)❤
Group Leader
Jul 11, 2020
@carat17seventeen Thank you, seriously 🥺 that gives me motivation I swear.

Some people definitely have different opinions about translating that way (because it’s not “exact”), but I think as long as the translator captures the general feeling/implication the author was going for it’s ok. Tbh I’d rather read something less exact that reads better in my native language than something that is more literally translated but sometimes awkward. Pretty much what you said.

Overall, that’s what I’m going for so your comment brings a smile to my face for realz
Dec 19, 2019
HELLO, JUST HERE TO COMMENT THAT I'M ABSOLUTELY LOVING YOUR TRANSLATIONS LMAO (especially Hana Wants This Flower To Bloom!). It feels realistic yet comfortable and fun at the same time! If you stuck to the og TL I'd bet some parts wont be as funny as the currently uploaded chaps.

Also, thank you so much for your work :DD Hope you get ample rest despite being a solo group!
May 3, 2020
Thank you for introducing Hana to us!
I really enjoyed it and am looking forward to the rest of the chapters.
Off to enjoy Sesame salt and 🍮! 😉
Feb 12, 2018
Hi! I just want to say that your translations are absolutely amazing! They're so high-quality I couldn't believe what I was reading was scanlated, at first. My goal is to be a translator someday and I really admire you! You do so well all on your own, getting such natural stuff with such good flow and rhythm without even an editor! If anyone yells at you for not being literal, please don't let it get you down. You're doing so great.
Group Leader
Jul 11, 2020
@Chun2x Yesss thank you! That’s all I could ask for. And I appreciate your concern for my well-being, you are too kind ☺️

@VivianMc Yay thanks so much! Sesame Salt has my heart so I hope you enjoy that one too 😝
Group Leader
Jul 11, 2020
@Choco_Pudding Bruh your comment legit made me smile, thank you so much!! I’m serious you’re so nice, I really appreciate it.

My day job involves a lot of writing and proofreading so I think doing it every day helps a lot (even though the content is super different). Also, after the whole chapter is translated into English, I’ll read it again not through a “translator” lens but just as a reader if that makes sense. So if there are any discrepancies or things that sound awkward I’ll adjust it in that phase. I think that helps a lot with getting things more natural-sounding, but usually by the time I’m done with a chapter I’m sick of it from reading it five times lolz 🙃
Jan 22, 2021
I'd like to second many of the things others have already highlighted! It was awesome stumbling across your translations because it was immediately obvious just how tasteful, literate, and high-quality they are. I do a lot of proofreading for work, too, so I can totally see how that is a huge asset. Anyway, keep up the great work!
Group Leader
Jul 11, 2020
@Rosenwinkel Ahhh thank you, that’s a top-tier compliment :’) I really appreciate it!

Also, happy to see another writing/proofreading comrade on here! (As long as you like your job too, hopefully) 😝
Dex-chan lover
Sep 7, 2018
Hey, just wanted to stop by and say I just finished SS&P and I cried a ton *sniff* 😭
thank you for your work and also for introducing me to the manga~ really made my day 😖

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