Only Sense Online - Ch. 101

Group Leader
Jan 8, 2023
just to make it clear, we've done this chapter loooong ago. it's just... well, stuff happens. if you guys wish to read more, consider joining our scan group and well helping out. it doesn't really matter if you guys are experience or not we just need more people to help is all. it's also fine to just join and ghost around I do that to most groups too. anyway, thanks for reading!
Dex-chan lover
Aug 15, 2020
Clearly none of these "senses" are actually garbage, just unexplored, but that's how it goes in real games sometimes, something that was considered trash and/or low tier is suddenly busted, or at least good, either when someone explores it more or someone says "screw the rankings" and puts their pro skills to use (much like how there's a pro Smash player that will main Bowser despite his typically low ranking on the tier list or how pro Pokemon players can make even something like Pachirisu viable in VGC because they get creative with their builds.)
Dex-chan lover
Jun 2, 2018
Clearly none of these "senses" are actually garbage, just unexplored, but that's how it goes in real games sometimes, something that was considered trash and/or low tier is suddenly busted, or at least good, either when someone explores it more or someone says "screw the rankings" and puts their pro skills to use (much like how there's a pro Smash player that will main Bowser despite his typically low ranking on the tier list or how pro Pokemon players can make even something like Pachirisu viable in VGC because they get creative with their builds.)
Imo pretty much yeah it’s just not meta. Doesn’t discount the fact that some things may actually be outright bad, but like that VRMMO manga with Earth, sometimes metas aren’t the best option, and it may not be suited for everyone, but it usually is the most idiotproof/noob-friendly way to go up.
Dex-chan lover
Aug 12, 2018
Even if it was useless in combat, the ability to grab things you can't reach would be the most conveniant thing ever. No longer having to walk over for it, just point and grab. Only down side is getting used to it in-game and then returning to boring reality, where you have to walk to the fridge for a drink.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 19, 2023
It's kind of amazing to get his foot through that chain.

Then it holds him up with the chain sideways? Telekineses?

Clay Shield is pretty useful in a lot of ways.

That's really not a time to worry about being embarrassed. But on the other hand, we can certainly have more scenes with her being embarrassed. She's earned that.

Items being depleted is fine. They're meant to be used, not to be saved "in case you really need them."

"One sense may be obtained without SP cost."
So pick the most expensive one.

"Onee-chan has picked a garbage sense again!"
And look how it turned out that time. Also, it's fucking telekineses. On of the most reliably OP skills you can have. Or just very convenient.

"Also, using it is pretty"
Pretty what?

Of course you have to level it up. That was the main problem before.

Don't worry about translating on schedule or anything. Life comes first.

Clearly none of these "senses" are actually garbage, just unexplored,
Yeah, but the level of unexplored in this (and similar) manga is way too low, and players would've tried at least that much.
Dex-chan lover
Sep 5, 2019
Yeah, but the level of unexplored in this (and similar) manga is way too low, and players would've tried at least that much.
I feel the problem with most of that is 2 points.
First it seems that leveling senses takes time and effort (maybe 1-2 weeks to get to the usefull part) and if other senses produce better results earlier makes many players stop exploring more because META.
Second point is that also many senses need to be used in combination with others. Like Yuns enchant need the hawk eyes sense (i think that was the one to target further people) or it wont be really usefull. Which to be fair looks like the very same with telekinesis.

Its basically the problem when there is a beta with hardcore players who try to go tryhard as fast as possible and then establish a meta. Then even though other senses can be great, like the archery, they get ignored because META.
Also its really often that people outsight of META wont even get a chance in raids etc.

PS my brain still somehow expects Yun to somday go like Fate Archer and shoot her self crafted swords and items at the enemies, resulting in a big boom. XD
Dex-chan lover
Jan 19, 2023
First it seems that leveling senses takes time and effort (maybe 1-2 weeks to get to the usefull part) and if other senses produce better results earlier makes many players stop exploring more because META.
Its basically the problem when there is a beta with hardcore players who try to go tryhard as fast as possible and then establish a meta. Then even though other senses can be great, like the archery, they get ignored because META.
I think you're vastly overestimating how many players follow meta. The problem with that argument is that "many" players does not equal ALL players. There are challenge players who don't give a shit about other things being technically more efficient, players who want to play it their way regardless of anything else, and a lot of players who don't even know what the meta is. Take Yun, for instance. He's not a super unique player type, and he has no clue about meta.

Second point is that also many senses need to be used in combination with others. Like Yuns enchant need the hawk eyes sense (i think that was the one to target further people) or it wont be really usefull. Which to be fair looks like the very same with telekinesis.
And some of those combinations are absolutely obvious, like archery and that hawk eye sense. But somehow that was completely unknown? That's what doesn't make sense.

Also its really often that people outsight of META wont even get a chance in raids etc.
Raids is way down the line. There are tons of players who don't even play raids because of how much effort they take, and the less effort it takes, the more easily you can get away with weird builds. Sometimes people just want another player to fill out a spot, and can take any character for that. Or a group of friends raiding for fun.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 18, 2018
I feel the problem with most of that is 2 points.
First it seems that leveling senses takes time and effort (maybe 1-2 weeks to get to the usefull part) and if other senses produce better results earlier makes many players stop exploring more because META.
Second point is that also many senses need to be used in combination with others. Like Yuns enchant need the hawk eyes sense (i think that was the one to target further people) or it wont be really usefull. Which to be fair looks like the very same with telekinesis.

Its basically the problem when there is a beta with hardcore players who try to go tryhard as fast as possible and then establish a meta. Then even though other senses can be great, like the archery, they get ignored because META.
Also its really often that people outsight of META wont even get a chance in raids etc.

PS my brain still somehow expects Yun to somday go like Fate Archer and shoot her self crafted swords and items at the enemies, resulting in a big boom. XD
You underestimate how far gamers will go to waste time and effort in video games.
Useless skill? There will be people who will max that out exactly because people are calling it useless.
Multiple interaction with multiple mechanics? Players just call that theocrafting.
Impossible? Hold my beer. 34 years later, someone beat tetris for the first time.

Last mmo I played was First Descendant. A meta in that game with a new character was snipers, while "hardcore" players was debating with math and stuff on which sniper was better, two or 3 days later, someone used a handgun that nobody ever uses and suddenly it's the new "meta".
Dex-chan lover
Sep 5, 2019
I think you're vastly overestimating how many players follow meta. The problem with that argument is that "many" players does not equal ALL players. There are challenge players who don't give a shit about other things being technically more efficient, players who want to play it their way regardless of anything else, and a lot of players who don't even know what the meta is. Take Yun, for instance. He's not a super unique player type, and he has no clue about meta.

And some of those combinations are absolutely obvious, like archery and that hawk eye sense. But somehow that was completely unknown? That's what doesn't make sense.

Raids is way down the line. There are tons of players who don't even play raids because of how much effort they take, and the less effort it takes, the more easily you can get away with weird builds. Sometimes people just want another player to fill out a spot, and can take any character for that. Or a group of friends raiding for fun.
You underestimate how far gamers will go to waste time and effort in video games.
Useless skill? There will be people who will max that out exactly because people are calling it useless.
Multiple interaction with multiple mechanics? Players just call that theocrafting.
Impossible? Hold my beer. 34 years later, someone beat tetris for the first time.

Last mmo I played was First Descendant. A meta in that game with a new character was snipers, while "hardcore" players was debating with math and stuff on which sniper was better, two or 3 days later, someone used a handgun that nobody ever uses and suddenly it's the new "meta".
Its a bit funny how people think I underestimate gamers ..... I am a gamer for nearly 30 years. XD

I also never said all players, I said many. Like with the alchemy girl or the pet girl, there are the odd ones of the playerbase, but many players, especially MC his friends which are the type of tryhard gamers who would go and do META builds, would look down on skills that are widely labeled as useless or bad.
Naturally there are many odd cases but it wont change that especially the tryhard players label senses/skills as useless or bad.
With changes the devs made and with what Yun did already I expect that already some of the meta changed. We see it mostly from Yun his perspective and there could be surely other players with some of the senses the MC uses.
The only half-valid point brought up is that people somehow didnt expect some obvious things. Archery doesnt just need hawk eyes its also that archery was considered bad because of ammo usage and it wasnt just cost-result effective. Together with having less dmg overall.

Hawk Eyes and Enhancing on the other hand is a combo I wouldnt expect to be needed to do together, but together with the crafters ... THAT is a point, that can be made.

I mean the story isnt that high quality in its game part anyway with the mass PK like crazy going on without a single GM stepping in or some bullcrap boss mechanics, without any real hints.

Some of you really need to go to a MMO these days and go non-meta ...... you will be GREATLY looked down upon. Naturally if you suddenly break stuff and find something stupidly strong they will reconsider. But before that be comfortable to never taken into groups for quests, raids, dungeons etc. (which makes it look smart that the MC is a crafter who doesnt have that focus)
Dex-chan lover
Sep 5, 2019
That was a rather bullshit boss fight.
I currently really try to remember a bossfight in the game that wasnt bullcrap XD
or where they forced the MC doing bullcrap that could have made him lose everything if he wouldnt have plot armor
Dex-chan lover
Jan 19, 2023
Its a bit funny how people think I underestimate gamers ..... I am a gamer for nearly 30 years. XD
So show your experience. You've shown a shallow understanding of gamers so far.

I also never said all players, I said many.
I said as much, and that means there are many left who would do the things I said. It only takes one player to discover something new and post it on a forum. So your argument is weak at best.

Some of you really need to go to a MMO these days and go non-meta ...... you will be GREATLY looked down upon.
I've been playing non-meta characters since started. You're just assuming we don't have the experience because we don't agree with you, which is the kind of shallow understanding I mentioned about before.


@homerman87 You have no idea what you're talking about. Not even worth making a new post for you.
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Dex-chan lover
Aug 15, 2020
Yeah, but the level of unexplored in this (and similar) manga is way too low, and players would've tried at least that much.
Not if the skill proves to be consistently unviable, and the point of this series is that Yun is the player that is exploring the unexplored paths. The majority of players will avoid things that are inconvenient for them if nobody finds something interesting to do with the skills in question. Games don't generally get to be at the level of "explored" that you're expecting this one to be at until at least a couple of years after launch (and even then there's probably at least a large chunk of the game people have missed,) and that's with the fact that non-vr games can be explored through multiple interfaces or with bots or other means of making things easier. None of those time saving means of exploring the game would be available in a VR game, especially when you consider how much of our own world is "unexplored" even after thousands of years (or a few hundred if you only want to consider what more modern civilization understands.) Heck, even Super Smash Brothers Melee has knew things about it discovered today, and that's one of the most explored competitive fighting games out there. Things slip through the cracks, people tried telekinesis because it sounded cool, they found out it sucked for what they intended it for and people glossed over it, it happens, especially when you have to pick and choose which senses you will and won't use (think about how much they went through just to get an 11th slot.)
Dex-chan lover
Sep 5, 2019
So show your experience. You've shown a shallow understanding of gamers so far.

I said as much, and that means there are many left who would do the things I said. It only takes one player to discover something new and post it on a forum. So your argument is weak at best.

I've been playing non-meta characters since started. You're just assuming we don't have the experience because we don't agree with you, which is the kind of shallow understanding I mentioned about before.
You clearly overestimate AND underestimate the Players there. We saw already several players with unusual Skils doing stuff. Like the climber, the alchemy girl who likes Taku, the animal girletc. There are surely more than them we didnt meet yet too.

But none of them actually have something truly gamebreaking or something that elevates them above others. There may be a chance that there are other archers thanks to MC we didnt saw yet, BUT they are not a big group currently. The thing is that some of the best stuff Yun uses and makes him so viable is stuff he didnt share how to make it or it requirements. Other players will do something similar too.
But again even then its not something that overshadows the other builds which were considered META. Even if peopl start seeing spezific senses as not absolute trash anymore, nothing was currently on a level where other players would change their build.

The last time stuff in the sense META changed was when they patched the game and introduced a hunger system. So that people actually use the cooking sense. Without big changes to skills/senses the established Meta rarely changes. Exceptions is if someone finds an exploit or combination thats much stronger than the rest.

Because you say I should show my experience (which is kinda stupid but ok), I will even break some stuff down for you. Let us look at only 2 skills.
  • the Archery Skill: its considered bad because in term of accuracy (and range) you dont need another stat to hit stuff when you use Magic, which is auto-homing to a degree, Damage is also less than Melee attackers and to top it off is that arrows are consumables which you can only have a limited amount. So stopping and equipping new ammo, will result in a DPS drop even further. Then with the costs of arrows it also troublesome in the beginning, making it harder to balance the spending and costs of money. There is also no reason to first use other senses to make money just to use a bow, which costs the player too. All these together made it a "trash" skill for the players. Which on paper looks really bad and only if you can make arrows yourself and the multiple usage version at that, is when at least half of the problems of that skill vanish. It may also be more range than melee, but its not really a reason for people to respecc and use multiple "senses- or skill-slots" instead of one, just for a bit range that is covered by the mages already. Especially if you can simply take a magic sense instead. (Look at MC his little sister.)
  • Enchanting: Again its not obvious in ANY way that you need the Hawk Eyes skill to target people further away. Which makes it mana hungry, time consuming running around and endagers the enchanter of simply getting hit and dying. Its easier to just use another DPS in the party instead of someone who is only occupied with running around to raise the DPS.
The only big parts of enchanting is for the gems and weapons/armors. The latter which people seem to have adopted since Yun used/"found" it. Then we have the gems .... the costs of the gems are simply too high for the effect they have, because they can only do what magic effectively can do better. it has worth for utility but thats it. Also it needs to be thrown, which is also a point to take into consideration.

Even just looking at these 2 skills shows that even though they are not completely useless like people believed, they are still not the greatest. The improvements our MC found and uses wont make other players change their builds or influence the META. So the amount of players using it is generally smaller. Its likely that there are some others who use archery but we simply didnt see them, also because they are not THAT great to get attention like our MC.
I mean if the MC would do some stuff like I joked in my first post in this discussion, with him doing Fate archer sword archery with big explosions, THEN people would suddenly look into it way more.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 19, 2023
You clearly overestimate AND underestimate the Players there.
What are you actually responding to here? You wrote a lot of stuff that has no relevance to what I said, or things I've already explained, so there's really nothing for me to respond to here.

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