Luckily this game has sense of balance applying to it. It just that only small amount of people interested in crafting, if it was real game like most of the MMOs outside, all the info about crafting will be leaked even before the official launch. Tbh im always the one who is the most interested in such crafting or some mechanics inside game beside the combat mechanics. For example if yall know or have played World of Dragon Nest (mobile MMO) it has Pet Breeding system in there, and the pet rarity is from Common, Uncommon, Rare, to Epic. and u can only buy up to Rare (lowest rare rank, there is 5 rare pet) and it even use real money, while there is 2 Epic that u only can get from breeding. So i study the mechanism and unlock it via breeding from the same common pet then result it in uncommon then breed those uncommon up to rare then breed those rare to get epic. Its like climbing a ladder, theres 1 common pet, 4 uncommom, 6 rare, 2 epic. it took more than 10 times breeding for me to unlock all of those pet from common to epic and not to mention the rate to get better pet is lower than to get the same pet (means it's a waste of material). And im the first and the only one to unlock all of it, untill i told the others how to unlock it. Bcoz before it they only can get uncommon or common coz they only bred low rarity and it took lot of material to raise them to be able to breed