You guys defending PK are trying to compare doing It on your avarage MMORPG, that you play while staring at a screen, to a VRMMORPG, where you actually are the character and can actually feel things. :s
Regardless of It being just a game, regardless of not having any bloody in It, even If the sense of pain is dampened or nullified, even If there weren't any penalties from dying, you would still be experiencing the situation on first hand.
I will not make any statements about PVP because It has not been explained yet how It actually works on this game but, getting bullied and PK'd on such a realistic settings has got to be terrifying.
I mean, even getting killed by monsters, that just go directly for the kill, should be scary enough. But PKs, unlike monsters, enjoy stalking and "terrorizing" their targets before actually killing. :x
So I don't think they are being overly dramatic, because even If having their character getting killed on the game doesn't actually kill them, they would still have the memories of the event.
I can't comment on other people's personal opinions, but I would definitely not enjoy being hunted down and murdered, even If It's not actually real. :u