Onna dakara, to Party wo Tsuihou Sareta no de Densetsu no Majo to Saikyou Tag wo Kumimashita - Ch. 27.2

Dex-chan lover
Jul 13, 2023
Little known fact: sexism was invented by Alfred Sexold of Winchester in 1726.
Dex-chan lover
Aug 10, 2023
It is a bit silly for patriarchy to be because of just ore guy, but they're using him to explain the actual reasons behind it's development, that is the introduction of the hierarchical system allows for people to more easily gain and secure power and authority which makes it useful to those in power to get more and keep their position secure.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 11, 2020
They deadass cut the chapter at the word "but" like were hitting a commercial break or something :aquadrink:
Dex-chan lover
Oct 26, 2018
Are you just now realizing that this is basically a feminist manifesto in manga form? lol

I'm enjoying it for the art and I like seeing pricks get what they deserve while cringing at how clearly "anti-patriarchy" the manga has been from the start. Just look at how it started with the MC getting kicked from her party for being a woman who should just go to the kitchen and make her man a sandwich.
How do I say it? The world where the manga depicted is pretty f’ed up and it obviously doesn’t change overnight. It has been hinted that women aren’t treated this bad in the past from our true immortal friends there.

Also, no need to shit the author, she made the wholesome story of a dragon raising a little girl whom sent to his way while the father is drinking

Here, it is in mangadex
Dex-chan lover
Jan 20, 2018
Your main villain needs to be more cohesive than this, what is his goal really?

To become immortal? to be recognized and acknowledged? to create the perfect mass produced weapon? to create the strongest weapon? to get the ideal bride?

What is really his deal, he is all over the place, is like he doesn't knows what he wants

And worst of all, getting the perfect obedient immortal powerful bride

Is not gonna earn him any praise, nor is gonna make him himself immortal, and is not something that can be mass produced for everyone to use and have, in fact it is more trouble than it is worth, it a bunch of nonsense

There's nothing more frustrating than villains that are this dumb, it make me angry at the one writing, it takes me out of the story by breaking consistency

"But you see, he is a misogynist, loser, so as a good for nothing, it makes sense for him to make no sense, his hatred of women is irrational, and as thus his goals should be equally full of bullshit"

Yeah, except that, he is allegedly also supposed to be a competent mage, who managed to become a court magician, and attain enough capital, both economic, social, and political, to get married to a priestess with dragon god blood

Even if his peers never respect his loser ass, it was shown in history, that he supposedly is not a complete incompetent dumbass, but the moment we see things from his POV, turns out that he is actually just a fraud, so...

How can a fraud be a fraud and still get this far in life?
Dex-chan lover
Dec 10, 2019
@Doomroar doesn't seem like he is a fraud. He did create Laplace, doubt she would be that powerful naturally just because of her mom, and even before then he did get a job as a court mage. And even afterwards he had been able to create all those cloned bodies, and the life-eating coins.

He is a talented mage, just really fucked up in the head all along but able to hide it from others.

That said, yeah, his plans are all around the place. I can understand trying to create weapons to keep his job since his actual focus was not doing so well, but at some point things got all messed up. I blame him being secretly fucked in the head all along.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 20, 2018
@Doomroar doesn't seem like he is a fraud. He did create Laplace, doubt she would be that powerful naturally just because of her mom, and even before then he did get a job as a court mage. And even afterwards he had been able to create all those cloned bodies, and the life-eating coins.

He is a talented mage, just really fucked up in the head all along but able to hide it from others.

That said, yeah, his plans are all around the place. I can understand trying to create weapons to keep his job since his actual focus was not doing so well, but at some point things got all messed up. I blame him being secretly fucked in the head all along.
That's the problem he has had a successful life, he has a list of very impressive achievements

But they don't feel like things he should have achieved knowing how much of a dumb loser he really is, he doesn't behaves like the competent evil mage he is supposed to be, he is a doofus that doesn't knows what he wants or even how to get what he wants, and then lashes out towards women, but it doesn't even makes sense why women are his target when his peer and other men also ridiculed him before he even managed to get married, even his psychological complexes are all over the place
Aggregator gang
Sep 21, 2023
That's sure an incel, I knew he was involved in the patriarchy of this story, but gosh, it was much worse than I was thinking lol, can't wait for he get his ass kicked by our lesbian squad, and he see his own daughter get what he could never... a waifu that loves her :wooow:
Dex-chan lover
Aug 28, 2023
Dex-chan lover
Jan 5, 2020
Also, no need to shit the author
Sorry if I didn't make it clear. I enjoy this manga and I'm not shitting on it. I was just pointing out that the story has been extremely heavy handed with how male chauvinist and outright misogynistic the men in this world are. To suddenly be surprised that Maxwell is the way he is just didn't make sense to me if the other commenter was paying attention.
i mean it's essentially a world where you take todays way women are treated (way better than the past) and made it regress to the Middle Ages which had women treated like shite.
No, this is far FAR worse than how women were treated in the middle ages. In the manga's world women are basically told to walk around in tiny bikini armor so they can be eye candy and to step aside so that men can take all the glory. All because one jerk with a inferiority complex couldn't take it that his female coworkers thought he was a creep with no talent.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 3, 2018
So this ark has to be the end of the story. How do you top this villain? Like, the author surprised be time and time again, but there has to be a limit?
Dex-chan lover
May 12, 2018
He just keeps digging his own hole. When can we put him down in it?
Dex-chan lover
Jan 21, 2023
No, this is far FAR worse than how women were treated in the middle ages. In the manga's world women are basically told to walk around in tiny bikini armor so they can be eye candy and to step aside so that men can take all the glory. All because one jerk with a inferiority complex couldn't take it that his female coworkers thought he was a creep with no talent.
i was meaning more that back then women were treated like shite and second class humans who's only role were to make babies. this is very similar to how women are treated in this manga. Back then women werent allowed to do anything without a male's permission and if they tried to they were often killed because of it.

as a few examples look at the witch trials or Jeanne D'Arc (also know as Joan of Arc). Those women who tried to be independent or do a man's role were simply killed cause of it. in this aspect the manga is ever so slightly better since i dont think it's been said that women are killed by men cause they tried to be Independant or do what guys are doing.

also i think it's only women adventurers that are told to wear those things. i could be wrong but im pretty sure that's the setting.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 21, 2023
Your main villain needs to be more cohesive than this, what is his goal really?

To become immortal? to be recognized and acknowledged? to create the perfect mass produced weapon? to create the strongest weapon? to get the ideal bride?

What is really his deal, he is all over the place, is like he doesn't knows what he wants

And worst of all, getting the perfect obedient immortal powerful bride

Is not gonna earn him any praise, nor is gonna make him himself immortal, and is not something that can be mass produced for everyone to use and have, in fact it is more trouble than it is worth, it a bunch of nonsense

There's nothing more frustrating than villains that are this dumb, it make me angry at the one writing, it takes me out of the story by breaking consistency

"But you see, he is a misogynist, loser, so as a good for nothing, it makes sense for him to make no sense, his hatred of women is irrational, and as thus his goals should be equally full of bullshit"

Yeah, except that, he is allegedly also supposed to be a competent mage, who managed to become a court magician, and attain enough capital, both economic, social, and political, to get married to a priestess with dragon god blood

Even if his peers never respect his loser ass, it was shown in history, that he supposedly is not a complete incompetent dumbass, but the moment we see things from his POV, turns out that he is actually just a fraud, so...

How can a fraud be a fraud and still get this far in life?

to answer your first part it's all of those things. at first he wanted to be recognized/respected more then others and he heard that making weapons would do that. this made him thinking that the ultimate weapon would be the way to be recognized as the best. he did so and got what he wanted from it. however he then realized that fame and being respected dont mean squat when youre dead so he wanted immortality so he could always bask in that praise. he was able to achieve this via body possession and now can live forever by taking other's bodies. once he was able to achieve this his feelings of being snubbed by his wife and looked coldly at by his daughter led him to wanting the ultimate wife who will never be anything but obedient to him and will never look at him coldly.

Maxwell is the type of person that will never be appeased or happy no matter how many of his goals he achieves. He's also a competent mage as he needed to be in order to get what he wanted. him being an incel doesnt stop him from being that and his memories of those events are probably blown out of proportion by his brain. he remembers that tons of people were making fun of him for losing his wife? in actuality it was probably just a few people that were simply gossiping cause of boredom. he remembers that LaPlace looked coldly at him? nah she was simply looking at him with eyes that had no actual will cause she didnt really have many emotions back then. it's kinda like the guy who remembers catching the biggest fish there ever was but it was simply a tiny sardine.

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