Onna dakara, to Party wo Tsuihou Sareta no de Densetsu no Majo to Saikyou Tag wo Kumimashita

Dex-chan lover
Feb 16, 2018
Just get to this comment section, and man, it's not like what I expected, I mean I've seen worse. There's a person (not from this forum) who diss and insult just because the MC is female, some people even don't know what is the meaning of feminist, and what creature the femiNAZI is.

Anyway this series is going around a fairness (not equality, learn the difference) and of course, "yuriness" and so far so good.
Jun 20, 2020
After few chapters and seeing the plot is always around sexist-male-harassing-good-female, I think it is not my cup of tea.
I am not hating it. Maybe our feminist friends like this. Good for you.
Dex-chan lover
Sep 23, 2018
The series is a gay woman centric power fantasy, just like the dozens of isekais that get churned out daily are straight man centric power fantasies. Where those other series get their invincible self-insert protagonists and female characters whose only purpose is join the harem, this series has its invincible women and comically sexist male characters who only exist to oppress women and get clapped back against for it.
Is going to the opposite extreme the ideal solution? I dunno. But even if the series could be better with more nuance, it's still fun and refreshing to have something like this for once. Let us lesbians have our ridiculous junk food stories too sometimes, yeah?
As a straight? white male, I agree.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 30, 2023
The series is a gay woman centric power fantasy, just like the dozens of isekais that get churned out daily are straight man centric power fantasies. Where those other series get their invincible self-insert protagonists and female characters whose only purpose is join the harem, this series has its invincible women and comically sexist male characters who only exist to oppress women and get clapped back against for it.
Is going to the opposite extreme the ideal solution? I dunno. But even if the series could be better with more nuance, it's still fun and refreshing to have something like this for once. Let us lesbians have our ridiculous junk food stories too sometimes, yeah?
May 4, 2023
It's good, Yuri + Empowerment, the misogyny is played up for the sake of the story much like any evil is in these types of manga. It honestly deserves a better reception than it's getting but it can't be helped manga tends to have a large base of a specific emotionally stunted demographic
May 19, 2023
Tone down the sexism
I came into this manga attracted to pretty coverart.
I ran away from it due to story appearing to be written by western white 4th wave feminist.
I genuinely feel bad for people who support this. This manga should be mocked as mercilessly as every bad isekai/shonen garbage.
The author wrote this story after the Tokyo University Medical School was revealed to be purposely lowering the test scores of the top female students by 20%. In addition, raising the scores of male students by the same.
That's hilarious. In Europe we have the opposite problem where women get extra points on their exams (as many as mentally disabled people) just to combat imaginary sexism. This is especially seen in "feministic" parts of the Europe like northern europe.
It created long standing joke that in EU women are seen as competent as retarded people (especially by feminists).
May 31, 2023
I came into this manga attracted to pretty coverart.
I ran away from it due to story appearing to be written by western white 4th wave feminist.
I genuinely feel bad for people who support this. This manga should be mocked as mercilessly as every bad isekai/shonen garbage.

That's hilarious. In Europe we have the opposite problem where women get extra points on their exams (as many as mentally disabled people) just to combat imaginary sexism. This is especially seen in "feministic" parts of the Europe like northern europe.
It created long standing joke that in EU women are seen as competent as retarded people (especially by feminists).
I'm gonna blow your mind but Japan has always had Feminist like the scenarios in the manga aren't cartoonish, women in Japan really do get blamed when they get groped, get passed over for promotions because they think they can't work because they will eventually get pregnant, old men predating on teenagers and date rape. This isn't 4th wave Feminism boogeyman reactionaries like to imagine it's the type of 2nd wave Feminism Gloria Steinem, Bell Hooks, and Angela Davis were talking about in the 70's. Anyway keep making up fake stories about European Universities favoring Women or whatever interestingly enough couldn't find schools doing that for disabled students either.
Feb 3, 2018
I came into this manga attracted to pretty coverart.
I ran away from it due to story appearing to be written by western white 4th wave feminist.
I genuinely feel bad for people who support this. This manga should be mocked as mercilessly as every bad isekai/shonen garbage.

That's hilarious. In Europe we have the opposite problem where women get extra points on their exams (as many as mentally disabled people) just to combat imaginary sexism. This is especially seen in "feministic" parts of the Europe like northern europe.
It created long standing joke that in EU women are seen as competent as retarded people (especially by feminists).

Your post got marked by a mod with a warning to "tone down the sexism".

What part of this, that you said, was excessively "sexist"? Speaking of, what's wrong with "sexism" anyway? Women are openly sexist all the time, and a lot of what they express thereby is valid--only men are mandated not to be, punished by society if they are, with all their views demonized by that same society as invalid. This manga itself is hamhandedly misandristically sexist--but Mangadex staff allows its message to persist on this site. I thought that the whole point of feminism was that what's good for the goose is good for the gander, and vice-versa?

Or perhaps, as people have surely realized by 2023, that isn't true--and that it's more about geese gaining power and ganders getting strangled by it? Remember that whomever you cannot criticize is the one who has power over you.

PS: It'd do to set the record straight for the mods and leftists who would come upon these words. It's my conviction that this manga is worthless--it's of the same destructive ideological filth that has led to society devolving into what it is now. However, I also think that people in general should be the ones to determine whether such a manga has good value or is indeed as worthless as it presents itself. It must remain in order to receive such a judgment in the first place. The same goes for ideas; all ideas should stand on their own feet and be defended by those who advance them--a few would-be ideologues at the top of a discussion platform should not be the only ones to decide their value, and thus control which ideas get to travel the aether and which do not.
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Active member
Jul 19, 2023
I dont think im saying anything new here when I say the message is played a bit too heavy handed, but overall the characters are fun, the story is an isekai story, thats about it. if you're freaking out over the nature of the message, just dont read it. the message doesnt change how good or bad the story is. maybe the way its handled, but theres plenty of well written stories holding plenty of different views, this is no different.
Dex-chan lover
Dec 31, 2018
This series deals with sexist tropes in typical fantasy settings, usually of the gaming/anime/manga type, I'd say. Lots of other commenters have pointed out that it's heavy handed, but honestly? The stuff it's making fun of is pretty darn prevalent in the mediums and also ridiculous. I don't have too much of a problem with the tropes themselves, (other than acknowledging that they are indeed both silly and sexist) but the series deals with them in a comedic and interesting way, imo.

Now, that being said, as to the prevalence of lower ratings and some comments from a...certain point of view, shall we say? Remember that cultural crusaders are never worth talking to or arguing with. They are rage in search of something to rage at. To whit: If you're the sort of person who thinks that "everything is 'woke' nowadays" you should give this manga a hard pass. It'll probably hurt your tender little feefees.

TLDR: It's a comedic deconstruction of sexist tropes in various media, with a girls love romance and a silly OP witch who flies everywhere rather than walks.
Feb 3, 2018
This series deals with sexist tropes in typical fantasy settings, usually of the gaming/anime/manga type, I'd say. Lots of other commenters have pointed out that it's heavy handed, but honestly? The stuff it's making fun of is pretty darn prevalent in the mediums and also ridiculous. I don't have too much of a problem with the tropes themselves, (other than acknowledging that they are indeed both silly and sexist) but the series deals with them in a comedic and interesting way, imo.

Now, that being said, as to the prevalence of lower ratings and some comments from a...certain point of view, shall we say? Remember that cultural crusaders are never worth talking to or arguing with. They are rage in search of something to rage at. To whit: If you're the sort of person who thinks that "everything is 'woke' nowadays" you should give this manga a hard pass. It'll probably hurt your tender little feefees.

TLDR: It's a comedic deconstruction of sexist tropes in various media, with a girls love romance and a silly OP witch who flies everywhere rather than walks.
Speaking of remembrance, here's something you'd do well to keep in mind: insults--explicit or implicit--do not a reasoned argument make.

Neither do silly assumptions.


Forum Admin
Jan 18, 2018
Your post got marked by a mod with a warning to "tone down the sexism".

What part of this, that you said, was excessively "sexist"? Speaking of, what's wrong with "sexism" anyway? Women are openly sexist all the time, and a lot of what they express thereby is valid--only men are mandated not to be, punished by society if they are, with all their views demonized by that same society as invalid. This manga itself is hamhandedly misandristically sexist--but Mangadex staff allows its message to persist on this site. I thought that the whole point of feminism was that what's good for the goose is good for the gander, and vice-versa?

Or perhaps, as people have surely realized by 2023, that isn't true--and that it's more about geese gaining power and ganders getting strangled by it? Remember that whomever you cannot criticize is the one who has power over you.

PS: It'd do to set the record straight for the mods and leftists who would come upon these words. It's my conviction that this manga is worthless--it's of the same destructive ideological filth that has led to society devolving into what it is now. However, I also think that people in general should be the ones to determine whether such a manga has good value or is indeed as worthless as it presents itself. It must remain in order to receive such a judgment in the first place. The same goes for ideas; all ideas should stand on their own feet and be defended by those who advance them--a few would-be ideologues at the top of a discussion platform should not be the only ones to decide their value, and thus control which ideas get to travel the aether and which do not.
sir, this is a manga site
Feb 3, 2018
sir, this is a manga site
You don't say? Last I checked, it's a manga site with a forum that allows commentary on the manga it hosts. Interestingly enough, this is a manga with a flagrantly delivered political message; if my word isn't enough, then others have noticed and have commented accordingly.

Or is it that it's strictly a manga site--but with no room for commentary once one dares to voice the incorrect perspective?

But hey--I won't say anything about the staff's past usage of the site for political activism, or their then-concurrent politically motivated actions against users, if you won't.
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Dex-chan lover
Jun 1, 2023
Not a bad manga. It's got a lot of good fantasy elements to it, and swordsabre is seriously dope class. I love sword play. Also it's yuri a win win. Seriously that party leader is such a god damn stupid chode like WTF. Guy is one of the most stupid characters I have ever read about.

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