Oogami-san, Dadamore Desu - Vol. 6 Ch. 28 - Worry! Young Lady

Fed-Kun's army
Jan 18, 2018
This reeks of contrived drama to drag out the story for no reason. Which is a shame. Hopefully this "drama due to misunderstandings even though the guy involved is a living truth serum" won't last too long. I want this manga to stay good.
Mar 30, 2018
To be fair she has known Mone for years and they were esp close during a time she felt isolated. As much as she loves Yaginuma,they are currently fighting because she finds him to be hard headed. So it makes sense she'd trust someone she considered a true friend for years over her boyfriend she's currently arguing with. This Mone hoe really seems like a manipulative cunt tho bcuz she knows they're fighting and she's taking advantage of the situation. Not defending her cuz she should definitely have more trust in her boyfriend,esp since he isn't that type of person;but saying it's understandable considering the current circumstances
Dex-chan lover
Nov 13, 2018
this is such cheesy dumb forced drama that its retarded, the GF is acting like a complete dumbass, I would almost love for them to break up only for her to realize later that he was right and her ex friend was a bitch only for her to try to get back together with him and he'd say no

seriously tho this relationship is ridiculous atm cause of ZERO communication to the point in which this series would be ALOT more believable if they where in middle school instead of idk HS cause man are they hella immature

like Exhausted said It feels like author is running out of ideas with what he pulled this chapter lol
Fed-Kun's army
Jan 20, 2018
She does look in fact like someone you shouldn't trust lol.
Fed-Kun's army
Jan 23, 2018
In most other manga, I wouldn't mind the "dude hears something about GF's friend being a bad influence but pussyfoots around the issue so she decides he's being a jerk and sides with the person who's been her friend for years" thing.

It's kinda annoying here, when all he really has to do is run up and grab her so she'll go "yeah come talk with me so I can convince you to break up with him!" or whatever.
Obviously, he's not gonna do that, you have to bear in mind his entire backstory about how much he doesn't want to go around touching people because making them inadvertently blurt out their thoughts is a huge violation of privacy at best and will outright ruin their lives at worst, so it's not like I expect him to do it. It's just always a pain to read when the conflict is so easily solvable.
Active member
Jan 21, 2018
I feel like I've read this trope of "someone you thought was a friend was actually talking shit about you but you won't believe me since they're such an old friend, even though you'll eventually find out in the next few chapters and feel bad about doubting me" way too often. Although I thought it was more of a shoujo trope. Definitely a popular method of stirring up drama in a manga though.
Jan 21, 2018
I too thought she was a dude until I saw the uniform. But we all know this plot contrivance won't work for long when MC's power is basically "LETS TALK ABOUT OUR FEELINGS."
Dex-chan lover
May 22, 2019
The boyfriend does make sense. It is dangerous, especially for a high school girl, to be walking out late at night. Biology has told us numerous times. Men are physically stronger than women. Even if both the man and the woman weighed the same the man would overpower her.

He can spit a fact. "I'm not very strong but I can pin you down with little effort"

This drama is nothing but bullshit.
Double-page supporter
Jan 11, 2019
>has the ability to touch people and make them to talk the truth
>not using at her bitchy friend

What a waste
Dec 31, 2019

Most drama, in real life and in fiction, is bullshit.
And teenagers, especially those in love and driven mainly by emotions, aren't known to adhere to basic common sense and simple logic.

That said, Mone is looking like a poisonous 'friend'.
Dex-chan lover
Aug 8, 2018
I witnessed tons of drama as a teenager it was like watching a train wreck doused with gasoline
Dex-chan lover
Apr 25, 2018
Highschool drama is weird man. When I was in highschool these two girls nearly fought to the death over flaming hot Cheetos. Hormones and such I guess.
Group Leader
Jun 26, 2018
Everyone dissing out their relationship troubles as "drama", but let's be fair here, remember how you and your school friends were during that age and tell me these sorts of problems didn't happen.
I didn't have a girlfriend through high school, but I had my fair share of what people would call drama with my female friends back then, let alone what I observed from a distance what they did to each other.

Back to the plot, though, Mone could be one of these:
1. Actually be kind and worry about her friend, even though she badmouths her to her other friends, as people often do among those they're close to;
2. Actually be into Oogami and be trying to get close to her by taking her away from her boyfriend;
3. Be nice to Oogami when they're alone and badmouth her behind her back to fit in with the group.

Whatever it is, Yaginuma could just touch her and make her spill the beans, but he hasn't thought of doing that whatsoever. His lack of social skills prevent him from taking the step he needs to (up until now he couldn't even tell his mother what his plans for the future were without external interference), so it makes sense he'd instead try to get Oogami away from Memo without telling the truth - because he's an idiot, as most teenagers are.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 28, 2018
Wow. If only there was some kind of ability to reveal inner thoughts.
@justforthelulz @Kisato Yea. I thought is was wierd to mention boobs if that was the case and checked another time. She actually wears girls uniform underneath her jacket =_=

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