Option to hide "forum" and "manga" latest post

Jun 19, 2018
Yeah sorry, the latest posts section is placed in an area you'll have to deliberately seek out to view on either Browser or Mobile so you're literally making an issue out of nothing and the amount of effort, as minimal as it would likely be, to implement the ability to hide them would be literally not worth it due to the fact that this section is not in anyway forced into the users line of sight, on mobile it's almost at the bottom (With only feature and new titles at the bottom, both in view if you quickly swipe to the bottom of the page), and on browser it's on the right hand side and easy to ignore (I go literal months forgetting that the post section is even there ffs)

But if it's that bad, just click the "Latest updates" option that is literally at the top of the page, then you can see all of the recent updates not just a few, and you can't run into something that is supposed to be out of your line of sight 99% of the time, also ignore that MD wants a community to form, so they'd probably be hesitent to let people just straight ignore the forums and such down to that alone, despite that imho the feature is so out of the user line of sight hiding it would do, honestly nothing at all.

But the TL;DR is that the forums and comment sections are optional, and are in no way intrusive or forced into the users line of sight, and making an option to hide them would be at best a waste of time, and at worst antithetical to the entire reason MangaDex exists.
Active member
Jun 9, 2018
Yea yea no need to write an essay for this, y'all still don't get the problem. In the end I'm really grateful that Netflix app doesn't have forum section & etc and I thought MD will be Manga on Demand or maybe "Netflix of Manga", but after seeing this discussion, nope nope nope. Comixology is the only last hope, at least for NA region.
(Oh and thank you @holo for quick response, that +1 from me for the team)

Have a nice day
Miku best girl
May 29, 2012
Netflix charges you a monthly subscription, we don't. Therefore Netflix is financially self sufficient.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 20, 2018
I really like how this discussion goes on...

- I want ...
- Why?
- I want ...
- You can do this, this, or this....
- No, I want ...
- Nope
- I want ...!

Comixology is the only last hope, at least for NA region.
Don't let the door hit you on the way out 😇
Custom title
Jan 19, 2018
@ABCsOfLife posted:

Teasday thoughts on this? 😒
Making the front page widgets editable would be nice, but not particularly a priority.

Other than a couple of text-based update widgets, the entire front page is very much focused on various manga recommendations. Why the OP decides to place such focus on the one thing that isn't, I don't really understand.
Active member
Jun 9, 2018
"Y'all" only for those who wrote an essay for me. Read the opening paragraph first @abcsoflife

You bit the bait @holo, I'll keep your word.

@BzzBzz hi there, you know what's the difference between solution and alternative? They didn't give me an exact solution for my suggestion, instead they gave me an alternative for that. In this case I don't really care about their alternatives, those all are obvious features (except if I'm a newcomer, I'll be grateful for their kind help).

@teasday Noted, thanks for your reply. Sometimes user (like me) only wants to read manga (without having an intention to read the forum post a bit), maybe checking new manga titles or maybe looking at top 6h/24h/7d manga, without reading someone's comment/thought (in this case is latest post section) because you know the mindset is different. Like, I just wanna read manga without distraction, just wanna enjoy my commute without reading fuck, shit, motherfucker, loli, etc. I respect your decision to reject this one, but I suggest the team (at least) to think about it for the future or if you're still confused, mangarock is the best example for this case (without the presence of ads obviously) they don't have forum post attached to their main page.
Custom title
Jan 19, 2018
@sastrathebest Like I said, it's not a priority since doing editable widgets properly would involve basically rewriting the frontend, but it's not rejected per se. Just don't expect to see it any time soon.

The point is, I don't really understand why it actually bothers you. I can completely understand wanting to just look at the latest releases and figuring out what to read, but having to skip over the forum section really doesn't seem to me like something that would utterly shatter that experience. It's not like you're forced to read it.

I guess you could pick up an adblocker with element hiding capabilities and just hide it.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 20, 2018
Okay, I will write you this and block you because god you are so annoying.

You are an passive aggressive idiot, persuaded to be a genius, treating the person who disagree with you like dumbass, because you can't conceive the idea to be wrong even when factually proven the contrary.

I know the rules say "no personal attack", but somebody need to say it to him.
Jan 21, 2018
imo I sometimes forget that the forum section exists on the home page so here's a small script for tampermonkey that I wrote in a jiffy to make the forum section to pop up in the middle of the screen every time you go to the homepage
// ==UserScript==
// [USER=0]@name[/USER]         New Userscript
// @namespace    http://tampermonkey.net/
// @version      0.1
// @description  try to take over the world!
// [USER=0]@author[/USER]       You
// [USER=0]@match[/USER]        https://mangadex.org/
// @require      https://code.jquery.com/jquery-3.2.1.min.js
// @require      https://code.jquery.com/ui/1.12.1/jquery-ui.js
// ==/UserScript==

(function() {
    'use strict';
Dex-chan lover
Jan 20, 2018

BTW, can you change that widget from 10 last posts to 10 modified topics? When single topic takes half of its space that's not very useful IMO :/
I can easily imagine situation when single topic will take all space there :)

Dex-chan lover
Sep 16, 2018
Ah I see.. This is what they called "Making an actual shit post".
Sasuga OP-kun! Buta yarou dane!
Active member
Jun 9, 2018
@teasday roger, thank you for the reply! But you still don't get what the problem then? Hmm.. how should I put it.. I think it's easier to put it like this: I don't like to be distracted.
Sorry for late reply by the way.

@blackgeneral whatever, I don't get what you mean. What's your problem tbh?
Insulted my personal choice for yuri-thing and you act all high like, "oh this shit is dumb, idiot, conservative, blabla". Do whatever you want, IDGAF.

@pika thanks for your sarcastic help, it really helps!

@bzzbzz lol, you're exaggerating something over there. Don't have other activities buddy? So sad.

@abcsoflife what does that mean?
Stop. Don't answer it. Because I don't care.
Fed-Kun's army
Mar 12, 2018
Its not a developers job to satisfy every single persons preferences when it comes to a websites design....
Dex-chan lover
Sep 16, 2018
*urge to escalate...*
But I won't, since mods will rain fire on me if I do that.

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