Ore Dake Haireru Kakushi Dungeon: Kossori Kitaete Sekai Saikyou - Vol. 2 Ch. 13 - The Merits and Demerits of the Curse

Dex-chan lover
Jan 3, 2019

They needed LP to first be able to edit the skill so that it consumes money instead of her lifespan.

And frankly, they're more likely to get bigger rewards if they actually cured her (and she falls in love with him) than if they just claim they can cure her, but can't prove it without sizeable investments.
Fed-Kun's army
Dec 6, 2018
@AlmondMagnum While I do agree that they didn't establish the competition as really necessary, they did need the LP before they could cure her and I doubt, "Listen I can cure your daughter, I just need X number of prostitutes first!" would be a good argument, the reputation of the saint would be enough to justify getting the money they needed which the family would be more than willing to provide if they were competing with one another about who should sacrifice themselves in her place. That said, the MC basically already has two members of his harem that are actively competing for his affection and he explained how LP worked and why he needed it, if it was brought up that a striptease or something would work, those two girls would be kinda fighting one another to be the one to do it between their own desire to help, be useful, and for him to look at them over the other girl. May not exactly be the polite thing to ask of the girls, but asking them to instead publicly say they're in your harem and put on a show of it in a competition that is explicitly stated to be by bitter men for bitter men to insult pretty women, I think that maybe stepping a bit past their comfort lines for a guy who they do like to save someone's life is probably more reasonable...

@Robbini They had an incredibly famous saint with them and an incredibly famous skill that could do what was said (and the family had access to someone who could verify the skill stuff), asking for enough money to save her life first when these guys were competing with who should give up their own life (even if only theoretically) isn't an unreasonable request, or even if it might not have worked, they knew the girl and her retainer so they could have at least tried. Like if it wasn't that the LP seemed to be the bigger reason to enter the competition, it's completely unreasonable to not even try asking the family. That said, I don't think the family would have been able to help with the LP front... Which is where the girls who are already competing with one another for MC's affection come in.
Aggregator gang
Nov 25, 2018
LP in my mind was Lust Point not Life Point, though. why? because everytime he get LP it's always through pervert way.
Fed-Kun's army
Jan 24, 2018
Mc quality is really something else lol, he can attract even rich ladies that dislike man.
Dex-chan lover
Nov 6, 2018
I don't think that's how a clock is supposed to sound like. "tick thump tock thump tick thump tock". It sounds like a broken clock to me.

And I think what the MC was really trying to say is "I have one request... show me da pe pe", because it's a Japanese Manga and we all know what Japanese people love to see.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 27, 2018

The idea of nobles being corrupt was popularized by Shakespearean plays, and similar entertainment. Just like "bad boss" style stuff.

The reality is that a noble title meant you were an officer, with a duty to raise soldiers and fight and die for your land and citizens, "noblesse oblige" and all that.

Not saying there weren't corrupt/evil nobles, but that they generally were rarer in real life than what fiction potrays, cause really what nation would want corrupt military officers in their midst, let alone survive?

Just like how the idea of "serfdom" was everywhere is a trope blown out of proportion, "Evil Aristocrats" falls under the same vein.
Double-page supporter
Feb 9, 2018
I like this version way better than the web novel version (they didn't kiss in web novel he already had enough LP to cure already in the web novel so he didn't need anymore)
Power Uploader
Jan 18, 2018
@SunSun I was mostly referring to these types of Isekai stories usually the nobles aren't great. In real life I'd say it's a wash. I mean we wouldn't have seen the french revolution or any manner of political corruption throughout history perpetrated by ruling classes like monarchies and church officials out of touch with reality.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 27, 2018

Well to be fair, the French Revolution was less a case of corrupt officials and out of touch monarchy, and a tremendous consequence of the centralization of power into the king during Louis the XIV's reign, in that upon the nobility and bueracrats had no idea how to do their jobs, since the Sun King had the final say in all decisions regarding the state.

In fact, the last king of France, Louis the XVI, had attempted to pass many, MANY reforms, including such things as repealing taxes and abolishing the death penalty for deserters, ontop of deregulation of the grain market.

Additionally, he spent vast sums of resources on helping the American Revolution, driving France deeper into debt, compounded by the famines due to deregulation of grain, which caused the French Revolution.

That being said, having "Evil Aristocrats" makes for an easier villain than coming up with an original plot for the MC to fight against in isekais.
Dex-chan lover
Dec 24, 2018

The rich being evil isn't just lazy writing, though. We have modern studies linking an excess of money and station to a form of developed sociopathy. To the point that those not of similar station and wealth to yourself aren't even recognizable as humans.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 27, 2018
If you're gonna cite studies, you gotta link em dude.

Though specifically, I didn't say "evil rich" i said "evil aristocrats". There are such things as impoverished nobles after all.

Now that's out of the way, by what standard is someone "rich"? Person A who makes 100k a year versus Person B who makes 30k a year might be rich, but if Person A is in massive debt, but Person B has thousands in net worth, are we judging by net worth or wage? If by net worth, is someone who's homeless but has a net worth of $200k rich? What if someone's worth 300k vs 100k?

"Rich" itself is nebulous and I'm wondering if the study ignored that perhaps it's not money that makes someone develop sociopathic traits, but sociopathic traits being needed to acquire large amounts of money.
May 5, 2018
@Kayriel That has to be the weirdest interpretation of that data I've ever seen. It's just a side effect of imperfect meritocracy, not some bizarre 'developed sociopathy'.
Sociopaths are more likely to use unethical tactics in their pursuit of money/power, which places them at an advantage to those who with scruples. That wouldn't be a thing in a hereditary power structure.
Fed-Kun's army
Feb 5, 2019
Thanks for the chapter!
Considering the technological level MC is going to have one heck of a repair bill for that watch they broke! Poor Lola and Emma, they definitely realized they have a high spec rival now. Seeing their faces when Maria grabbed his face and kissed him was definitely a kodak moment. Wonder how Maria's family are going to react when find out Maria is head over heels in love with MC?

@HornyAskrBushi He realized she had a curse the first time he saw her in the street when Emma told him to bow down. The part where she accepted him was when that Drill Seargent from hell instructor Eluna had people pair up to practice Ukemi and wouldn't allow her to pair with bodyguard or Emma with MC as would hold back too much so she passed on the guys trying to cozy up to her and asked MC to pair up in CH9 around page 9.

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