Also, reusing scenes is nothing compared to what Kyoani did for endless eight(15 years ago).
I am a weirdo. That thing in Haruhi was one of the best things in anime for me. Imagining how people lose their fucking marbles cause they saw 8 "same" episodes - each slightly differently rendered for it to not be pure 100% copy-paste - knowing that those 8 episodes are just 8 out of like 15 thousand repetitions the team (aka characters not anime creators XD) really did, and knowing that best girl "recorded" them all, basically living those 15k repetitions remembering them all.
No wonder she broke in the movie if she was fucked over in such ways, and people cry rivers cause they watched 8 "identical" episodes that themselves are just 20 minutes recaps of the week or how long the repeat time was making this even worse for Yuki.