Well first, in that link it says he majored in Physics and went onto graduate school to major in image technology. It says nothing about what degree he has in there and nothing about how long he studied physics. And I haven't been able to find a single website that's been able to credit your claim that he's got a bachelors in physics, or suggest that he's competent in physics. Given the claim that he went to grad school, I'll assume that he has a degree or some equivalent, but not what degree he has or how competent he is, but, all that said, everything that's written about his education in English is copy pasted from, I assume his website, and none of it has been verified. Not even the wikipedia information.
Second, majoring in something doesn't mean you know what the fuck you're talking about, I could major in advanced nuclear physics and biochemistry for 4 years and still know fuck all, and neither does a degree. I've met just as many morons with a degree as I have met geniuses without. Today, degrees are the new high-school diplomas.
And third, considering the shit he's written in the past 20 or so chapters about "being free from energy limitations", new "heat laws" and that shit last chapter, I stand by that statement. It looks like he has no idea what he's doing. If this manga is a barometer for what he knows on physics, it seems like the answer is fuck all. That or he's heavily relying on the fiction in science fiction.
Finally, you don't know what I've studied or know, so next time you condescendingly try assume you know better and discredit and demean someone, maybe do your homework and read the shit you're linking. Granted, maybe he's just a shit story writer and I confused the two. Hard to tell when both are so mutilated.