I really liked this chapter. I am glad Sakiko and Chihiro are becoming better classmates and both are trying to interact with eachother. I also thought the perspective on page 18 looked really cool.
Thanks for translating the chapter and thanks for explaining how these CD events work on the last page as I know nothing about the idol stuff so it is interesting to read how it works.
I don’t the girl is gunna do anything crazy actually, I think she’ll be a dick about everything but I don’t think she’ll hurt anyone. She looked sad in the last panel
@NowhereJoker @UserNamed2020
No source, only my opinion nothing more. From the cover I get the feeling that the idol will misunderstand them and try to be their wingwoman. Maybe I'm trying to read too munch from a simple cover lol
@Exia1987 If anything my interpretation of it is they're both competing to become closer to her while the idol is oblivious to their rivalry (or more accurately the drastic measures maaya takes to keep the mc from getting too close to her) and is on friendly terms with both. Definitely too early to tell but the plot seems to be setting up for an mc x idol ship, it could always turn around and end up being mc x maaya. Personally I thought it was going to be a polycule but I heavily doubt that after the creepy stalker subplot. Just hope to god it's not maaya x idol without first addressing her creepy tendencies.
@THUGDERE What happened? i pretty much throw the towel after the original ended and only read a couple of the sequel but when the shit of the weird multiverse started i just couldn't read it XD.