Otoge ni Trip shita Ore ♂

Dex-chan lover
Jan 26, 2018
Feb 9, 2018
i feared the yaoi but seem more like a comedy where he avoid getting a new piercing.
Double-page supporter
Mar 7, 2018
So he need to get all boys into the friendzone without getting into yaoi and with 11 guys. And the first one know already that and say there are professional. Oh what a surprise.
Mar 20, 2019
@theilikepie In the chapter he appears as a male and the other characters know that he is a male, but they behave as if he was a girl anyway for reasons, so he didn't morph into a girl and it doesn't look like he will in the future.
Aggregator gang
Jul 21, 2018
Based on the description, I don't understand why this doesn't have a shounen-ai tag.
Mar 20, 2019
based on the content it's pretty obvious that there would be flirts and romantic scenes, even if only for comedy. Considering that shounen-ai is a shoujo genre about romance between males, it couldn't fit more.

For example the little hearts on page 9, the hugs, the fact that they behave as if he was a girl, the "They keep touching me" at page 17 the fact that it's in "a romance adventure game" of page 20, the "thrilling scenes of love" of page 21. Additionally the "we had no choice as professional" leaves little place for changes in the developments, particularly because to return home he either has to go out with one of the targets or have between three hearts and five with eleven men until the end. And he has none currently. How is he gonna get them?
Fed-Kun's army
Sep 26, 2018
This is definitely not yaoi or shonen-ai. This is just a straight up comedy manga with a male MC who got isekaied into an otome game and all the characters are wired to fall in love with the protagonist (which is unfortunately him). No romance or sexy stuff, just a gag story about a guy being weirded out with a bunch of good looking otome targets coming after him. Not my cup of tea but probably funny if you're into that kinda comedy.
Apr 3, 2019
This is clearly not yaoi or shounen ai. This is pretty clearly going to be comedy especially since his goal is essentially be friends and only friends with every target. Even the capture targets themselves have no interest in pursuing the MC and are only doing it out of duty.
Mar 20, 2019
How can it have a "harem" tag without a "shounen ai" one? Either both or none.

@mitsuki48 I understand that it's a comedy manga, but I can't get how that is relevant. if you say that they are wired to fall in love with him, than it's a shounen ai. it may be one sided or fake. It may have a bad taste and be offensive to actual male couple to make fun of their relationships and I may not like it, but that's a way more than subtext. Let's take Dokunie Cooking, it has little to do with actual cooking or spending pages to explain why food is so good and important, but it has that tag nontheless because it cooks elves with smelly feet to be thrown away soon after because they taste bad: the exact opposite of a cooking manga. It's a comedy on the cooking and not an actual cooking, but it has the tag. I see little to no difference with this one. Or claiming that Evangelion is technically not a mecha. You would be right to do so, but no one cares if it's a fake mecha. in the same way this is more useful if categorized into Shounen ai than not. romance, flirts and love are different things. there can be romance even without love. 2/3 is rather positive.

@thelilyofheaven but they are doing it and because of they are professionals they'll keep on doing that. And I doubt that the hearts will rise if he behaves like that. it was zero until now even if they should be sympathetic with him because they are in the same situation and it doesn't look like they have any intention on going on the friendship route. There'll surely be comedy and thus shounen ai-like events everywhere because it's fun (for the author's target, which is probably a part of those who read shounen ai in the first place, thus the same tag).

Now I shout up, it's not me the one that should choose for the tag. Whoever they are, I hope they have enough elements on both sides to decide. But at least not harem without shounen ai, that's super misleading and doesn't make any sense.
Group Leader
Mar 23, 2018
It's like "I'm the main character of a harem manga, but I'm gay so every day is hell for me" but reverse. So it's more like "I transmigrated into an otome game but I'm not gay so I don't want a harem of males." Hahahaha!

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