Otome Danshi ni Koisuru Otome - Vol. 3 Ch. 333 - In Order to Be Myself

Fed-Kun's army
Jan 19, 2018
It's been plainly stated that Yuuki does not consider himself a girl but a boy from Chapter 0. He just enjoys dressing like a girl, because he's a crossdresser, not a transgender or transexual. Gender bender used in the sense of other (admittedly pornographic mostly) sites separates being a boy who dresses like a girl, and Ranma 1/2 where it's a boy transformed into a girl/swapped bodies with a girl.
Fed-Kun's army
Jan 19, 2018
Although there is no estimate at this time, staff have confirmed that gender bender tag is being split into gender swap and crossdressing in the suggestions forum at some point. So you'll get your wish eventually. Thank you for translating this manga btw it's an incredibly enjoyable read.
Mar 17, 2018

I was just going off the literal definition of gender bender, and I know Yuki isn't trans. Since he is breaking gender norms that technically is gender bending in the literal sense.

I agree on the split of tags. I have brought it up before on the forums, including asking about maybe making tag guidelines. Just a general do's and don'ts, like if a character crossdresses for couple chapters or arc in a manga but it has nothing to with crossdressing or gender benders it shouldn't get a tag.

Some people tag the fuck out of series for whatever reason and it clogs up searches, like tagging stuff sports when the manga has nothing to do with sports or cooking etc.
Jan 18, 2018
Not confused by plot, But what the HIDEYOSHI Gender is here ?
Dex-chan lover
Jan 17, 2018
"Are you a boy or a girl?"
"I am your homeroom teacher!"
Dex-chan lover
Jun 25, 2018
of course not @Chrona ... i regret what i'm saying right now... after having a sleep.

I'm sorry you feel that way from my coment... when i'm not really intended to do that...

i have to be careful next time... when i'm post coment... thank's for you... i learn my lesson...
Dex-chan lover
Jul 3, 2018
since we are discussing this i got one question:

are there cases in real genderbend mangas like ranma 1/2 and boku girl, do they count as trans? coz ranma really didn't care since he could change back easily and mizuki did care but it was mostly coz he wanted to be a boy for the girl he liked, in the end (Heave spoilers for Boku girl next)
he felt more confortable as a girl and did end up becoming one permanently and went to date his male best friend
, and in other cases like the saga of tanya the evil, while having the mind of a man, tanya really didn't give a flying fuck about her gender, she just wanted to kill being X and all.

Or is just that most mangakas don't think about gender disphoria when they made their mangas?
Always wandered whats the stand about these type of cases, sorry if i sound crude or something, english is my 2nd lenguage so i may have phrased things wrong, thks anyways.
Fed-Kun's army
Jan 19, 2018
@Chrona - So, in other words, you’re a transmedicalist, or “truscum.” I guess you think anyone who hasn’t had GRS is just a cross dresser, huh? Not everyone can afford medical transition. That’s WHY transsexual is no longer used.
Fed-Kun's army
Jan 19, 2018
I don't think the surgery is required, I think a desire for the surgery, or at the very least if you're not satisfied with current techniques, the fully functioning set of genitalia of their correct sex is. Sadly, because the term was changed, demigender tumblr pronouns jumped on the bandwagon making people who just want to quietly live their lives look like nutcases next to people trying to invent new terms when gender roles and terms should be disappearing altogether as time goes by, not increasing in number. They're not just crossdresser if they want the surgery but can't afford it, they are a nutjob if they're asking for everyone to refer to them as "xir", because somehow you can identify as a societal construct that doesn't exist in society.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 12, 2018
Ah, this is an insane topic I myself have dabbled in several times, I suppose I'll throw in my two cents.
Starting off, I do not hate those who are transgender, or those who feel that they don't belong as who they're born as. It's a totally understandable sentiment, and gender dysphoria is absolutely a legitimate thing.
My opinion on the subject, is that, as a man who feels like it'd be nice to be a girl every once in a while, it sucks to have to deal with that kinda feeling of not being a girl at times. Of course, for a lot of people it's sometimes more than that; sometimes, it's closer to the "otoko no ko" phenomenon where they just dress up as a girl sometimes and enjoy it for the sake of it; sometimes it's just autogynephilia (as much as it's denied, there are many autogynephiles I know [including myself]); and sometimes, it's gender dysphoria. In this case, the teacher seems to be somebody who went through with the surgery.
Of course, in my opinion, I don't like rejecting the sex organs. If I had the chance to become a girl, I'd like to have a) the female sex organ at my disposal (being able to have kids is cool, you know!), and b) the abiliity to switch back. Of course, by modern medical standards that's absolutely impossible, but who knows what the future holds. If we get advanced bodysuits, or true sex-change operations/processes, who knows how people will end up.
And that's all I have to say about that. Thanks for reading my opinion blog, anybody who reads this (who I doubt will be anybody)
May 26, 2019
Poor @Askun apologizing because of their interlocutor having comprehension skills, the comment section is a story in and out of itself haha.
Dex-chan lover
Jun 30, 2018
I knew better than to read this comment section but I still took a look anyway. Now I'm fucking right off to the next page with all due haste.
Double-page supporter
Jul 9, 2018
Sad i will feel for the fool that gets influenced to do the surgery only to find out it isnt happy go lucky in most cases.
With those cases, it's best if you look at their real life counterparts. for example with Ranma 1/2, you can say it is crossdressing since in reality a good looking guy can pass off as a girl and live life that way. Imo Ranma 1/2 isn't trans.
Boku Girl can be seen as trans
Since it ends that way.
He was also bullied into it iirc which is the case (not outright bullying but direct suggestions) in today's age imo. Tanya is a tomboy imo.
It's reasonable for mangakas to not cater to those that suffer from gender dysphoria since they're a small number globally. Might as well cater to that are physically disabled.
1 year response lmao
Double-page supporter
Feb 24, 2019
I really didn't expect the series to bring us a transexual character, I didn't think I've seen that many proper non gag character trans people in manga...

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