Overlord - Vol. 11 Ch. 44

Double-page supporter
Aug 23, 2018
I could say the same to you about anime in general, and considering the entire Overlord subreddit disagrees with you and agrees with me as well as comparing the overall quality of the Overlord anime to other anime, I'm more inclined to believe you don't really know anything.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 2, 2018

I think its better that the manga is finally taking its time, when the first season came out, the manga had to rush through to get to arc 4, which sucked horribly because it ended up skipping tons of content as well, but now that the anime came out and sucked ass, the manga can finally give the ruined scenes in the anime, the great adaptation they deserve.
Double-page supporter
Jul 24, 2018
I definitely don't think the anime "sucked ass" but I think they rushed a bit too much on some things and it could have been better with a little more care. Some of the anime fans complained about it being "too slow" all the same, which I strongly disagree with. I do think the manga is handling things more carefully in a better detailed manor. Plus as I've said, I love the artwork of it. The part where I say it is unfortunate that it is behind the anime is that I'd like to see the manga covering more ground - purely out of personal selfishness of course. Not rushing and advancing further are two goals at odds with each other. I want my cake and want to eat it too. Of course I understand that's impossible. I simply want more of the manga to read while not lowering the quality. So that's simply a wish.

Now you are completely ridiculous. I don't say that having a different view of the anime than you, but because other things. "I'm right because other people on reddit" etc. LOL. It doesn't work that way. Not at all. Open a dictionary and learn the definition of "opinion." Once you've learned that, you should also learn about the term "vocal minority."

Still you're entitled to your opinion. You aren't required to like the anime. No one else is required to hate it as you do. If you don't like it, don't watch it... that simple. Going out of your way to be seen publicly hating something is just an appeal for hipster points though, which is quite sad. What is clearly worse - hoping something you hate (which others like) is cancelled - is just plain petty. If you have any shame, you should feel it.

Just for example - how a normal person operates. I don't like Narato , therefore I don't watch it. I don't hate on it. I don't go shi##ing on those who love it. I didn't celebrate when it finally came to an end. I hope that those who like it enjoyed every minute, but the series has nothing to do with me because it just isn't my thing.

Now of course offering a specific criticism is another matter. Generally that means a person wants something to be improved. That something could be done better in the future. But that isn't really what you're about, now is it?
Dex-chan lover
Feb 2, 2018
Im mainly being hyperbolic, because the anime ruined so many key scenes.
The one that put me over the edge into the "hater" group was Lupus being scolded, i was hoping that it would have been done well but it was a complete mess, like they did it as an afterthought.

Also you have to admit that for Isekai adaptations, it really ranks low in terms of animation. Even comparing S2 and S3 theres an obvious dip in quality.
Double-page supporter
Aug 23, 2018
Oh piss off. You're conflating my opinion with facts. The anime is worse than the LN / Manga. That is a reality. The vast majority of the people who've read and watched Overlord agree with that. The ratings agree with that, not just on reddit, and I used reddit as an example because of how many fans gather there. My little corrections were jokes and opinions. The shit after it is simply the truth.

You aren't required to like the anime. No one else is required to hate it as you do.
I don't recall saying people were.
If you don't like it, don't watch it... that simple.
That's a stupid man's argument against a person he disagrees with. There are a multitude of reasons to read or watch something besides simply liking it. The "don't like it, don't read it" has got to be the laziest "gotcha" used by the most inept people incapable of understanding dissenting opinions or actually thinking for more than 30 seconds.
Going out of your way to be seen publicly hating something is just an appeal for hipster points though, which is quite sad.
Going out of your way to be seen publicly praising something is just an appeal for hipster virtual signal points though, which is quite sad. Same shit as the above. "You're only aloud to comment if you like it". Fuck off.
What is clearly worse - hoping something you hate (which others like) is cancelled - is just plain petty. If you have any shame, you should feel it.
There's only one option there so I can't choose which is worse. And no, I shouldn't and will not. Another stupid argument. I guess hoping Anti Vaxxers get taxed out of the ass is shameful. I guess having an opinion that you don't like is shameful. I guess I'm not aloud to have an opinion you don't like. Aren't you the hypocrite. Bitching at me, telling me "You aren't required to like the anime. No one else is required to hate it as you do.". What a flaming hypocrite you are. You should be ashamed of liking something that a majority of the fans dislike, hoping it should be continued when it irritates us by butchering a series we enjoy. That's how stupid you sound.
Just for example - how a normal person operates. I don't like Narato , therefore I don't watch it. I don't hate on it. I don't go shi##ing on those who love it. I didn't celebrate when it finally came to an end. I hope that those who like it enjoyed every minute, but the series has nothing to do with me because it just isn't my thing.
No. That's how your definition of a normal person operates. That's your opinion on how people should operate. And by god is it the definition and opinion of a psychopath. People can disagree, dislike, shit talk each other and much more without your permission. Thousands of people rejoice when series like Naruto end. Thousands of people shit on each other for liking or disliking it. And how much of whiny brat can you be. Everyone has to hold hands and sing. No one can ever disagree or dislike something, and if they do, god forbid they talk about it on a place literally meant for discussion. My god. Wouldn't you be the most progressive and perfect dictator. And almost any given series has nothing to do with any one person more than another. What another incredibly stupid comment. As if a series has to involve us for having an opinion. Guess I can't have an opinion on the slaughter going on in Yemen, or the dictatorship in North Korea, because it doesn't involved me. Guess I can't think anything that God Emperor bk3k doesn't approve. Guess you can't have an opinion on this story because it doesn't have anything more to do with you than me.
Now of course offering a specific criticism is another matter. Generally that means a person wants something to be improved. That something could be done better in the future. But that isn't really what you're about, now is it?
Oh and you define criticism now eh?
[ol]1.the expression of disapproval of someone or something based on perceived faults or mistakes.
2.the analysis and judgment of the merits and faults of a literary or artistic work.
3.the act of criticizing usually unfavorably
4.the art of evaluating or analyzing works of art or literature
5.the act of passing judgment as to the merits of anything.
6.the act of passing severe judgment; censure; faultfinding.[/ol]
Straight from google, dictionary and webster. So your childish description of the word seems to be off. And no shit I offered criticism. What world are you in?
They've cut out so much shit and the animation itself isn't that good. Certainly when comparing it to some of the stuff out there and more so when compared to So-Bin's art. The CGI is fucking nightmare and has ruined many a good scenes. The VAs are probably the only good thing they've done, and even butchered, the story is still carrying that anime. I don't care about time windows. If they couldn't get it done, they shouldn't have done it. This isn't a translation with a spelling mistake or two. They've earned the verbal beating they've gotten.
How does that read to you? Sure seems like it fits the 6 definitions I listed. Sure seems like it even fits your bullshit incorrect definition. I noted what was wrong, and therefore could be improved.

I can already tell what you're about, most of it's bullshit and none of it is impressive .
Dex-chan lover
Jan 26, 2018
Is that human meat or Bug meat?
Are we talking about percentages here, because let tell...
I don't care about human meat.
Double-page supporter
Sep 22, 2018
Dude you just sealed your grave with those words, literally, it won't be needed since there'l be nothing left after she's through with you. x3
Dex-chan lover
Oct 25, 2018
People, or at least me, will ever come to watch anime due to these reasons
_ Sound, music and voice acting
_ moving image (or animation)
_ Color

Overlord anime cut contend is a big no-no. While it does have sound, the animation and color are no where enough to cover the weakness in loss of contend and bad cgi.

The manga even if slow is still superior in comparison to the anime. I don't know how 'fast food' addictive you anime watchers are but i am a gourmet and good food requires time. I can wait years and decades for a manga with great quality and complete story but absolutely no way will i waste a moment of my time for an anime that offer less than its manga.

Most of the complain on the manga being slow is absolutely non-sense.

I can tell even though i come to anime before i read manga. The ratio between the manga i read and the anime i watched is at least 100 manga to 1 anime.
Mar 27, 2020

Dunno what you've seen, but at least for what Season 1 of the Anime covered, the Manga cut a lot more of the content than the Anime did.
Active member
Aug 16, 2019
Mhm i agree, the manga cuts more content than the anime. I've read volumes 1-10 of the light novels over 7 times in chronological order...
And the amount of cut content you get from manga and anime is ridiculous.
I've watched the anime a few times as well (6 times for season 1, 5 for season 2, 3 for season 3) just to compare the cut content.
I became a fan of Overlord since i saw Overlord season 1 episode 1 (ongoing at the time) and immediately picked up the light novel and read from the beginning.
It's such a wonderful series that i never get bored no matter how many times i read it... I've read volumes 11-13 several times as well.
It's unfortunate that Nigel quit translating overlord... volume 14 has been picked up but the translation has taken much longer.

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