Oversimplified SCP - Ch. 121 - SCP-4999

Jan 22, 2020
If he will be with the person who is gonna die's side until the end, isn't he suppose to be safe?
Active member
Oct 15, 2018
Here's the deal. SCP is kind of a homegrown community - it had humble beginnings, just a bunch of nobodies writing something akin to the brilliant creepypasta SCP-173 "The Statue". So, through 002 to 1000, the rules about the containment class were pretty simple. Euclid is the baseline for an anomalous and potentially lethal object, Safe is "weird, but we can deal" and Keter was "Okay, this one's going to be a doozy". It was a simple system. Safe is safe, the opposite of safe is dangerous as fuck. Keter was how a writer slammed his balls to the table and announced his SCP was Kind of a Big Deal.

And then came the pussification of the SCP community, when busybodies took over and demanded law and order when there was supposed to be none. The new admins vonted order in their community and they sure as fuck wouldn't accept lemon lime. So their first order of business was the locked box classification, aka "Watch me make Keter meaningless". It made Keter, the be-all and end-all of "now we're not fucking around" to "heh, a crayon that teleports randomly across the globe and does absolutely nothing else is Keter". It's bullshit and everbody knows it, to the point the new powers that be came up with an overcomplicated classification system that doesn't help. Remember the golden rule, kids. Keep. It. Simple.

TL;DR : Do not listen to anyone trying to tell you object class is linked to how hard it is to contain. Safe is safe, Keter is dangerous.

t. 075's author.
Active member
Oct 15, 2018
And to answer, yes, my main problem is indeed how the site itself has changed over the years, that's kind of a foregone conclusion. When a site changes, some people will be rather cross, and in that case it will include me. But the true core of my problem isn't that it changed, but rather how it did. To explain that, let me adress this :

"the only way to prevent the canon (such as it exists) from becoming a convoluted mess would have been to lock the site around 2011 and ban all new articles entirely. what the foundation was "meant to be" in your view isn't really relevant, and trying to impose that view on newcomers who don't share your attachment to the way things used to be won't improve anyone's experience with the site. it's just introducing unnecessary drama over what is ultimately a stylistic preference."

That's precisely where my problem lies. When I say that the current direction of the SCP wiki is fucked, I do not mean that its vision doesn't conform to mine. It's fucked because it has a vision at all. Even through all their attempts at order and standardization, they are all but forced to admit that there is no canon in the SCP universe. That continuity and consistency cannot, and shouldn't exist. Still, they try. Persistent characters. Strict rules of conduct. Approval of the community being the be-all and end-all of whether an SCP article is successful or not. All of this is imposing order upon chaos, and that is very much relevant. Because ultimately, the SCP foundation is inherently chaotic. It was born on an imageboard, and trying to contain it in a safe, cleanly run forum community is both meaningless and insulting.

This is getting a bit meta, isn't it ? So for my closing remarks, let me say that I do not hate the newer SCPs by any means, though they do tend to forget that complexity and length doesn't mean quality. Taboo is my absolute favorite, for instance. But that's the thing, everyone is indeed allowed to like whatever they like. And trying to enforce a standard runs completely contrary to that. If the author of SCP **** wants to say "fuck your standards, my Keter is very easy to contain but would wreak utter destruction if it was somehow unleashed", then nobody has, or should have the power to do shit about it. Because SCP isn't meant to be easily understood, only contained. And the containment is failing.
Nov 4, 2018
So, according to you, Keter is always dangerous.

I read only oversimplified version, but SCP-4999 looks effectively safe if we go by old classification. Or is there something in actual SCP descriprion saying that it is dangerous?
Aggregator gang
Dec 7, 2018
@Rainbow_Prism Keter means it cannot be contained, but it doesn't say that it's dangerous.

If there's a button that can end our world instantly, but can be contained in a box that cannot be opened or something like that, it's Safe

If a harmless cat that instantly teleports where ever it wants and cannot be contained, it's Keter.
Aggregator gang
Apr 11, 2020
I like SCPs like these way more than world-ending-super-villains. Just some nice and wholesome anomalies.
Mar 3, 2020
The ratings Safe, Euclid and Keter means how easy it is to contain, not how dangerous. If you leave SCP-330 (Take no more then 2 please) on a table it’s easy to contain but can still kill you. The reason why 4999 is Keter is because there’s no way of successfully containing him
Dex-chan lover
Jun 14, 2020
Words change meaning as time goes by

Object class now refers to containment difficulty

Also 4999 is a total bro
Dex-chan lover
Jun 8, 2018
I just started crying - this is up there with the granny in the teddy bear who tries to heal everything. 😭

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