Oversimplified SCP - Ch. 129 - SCP-1152

Dex-chan lover
Apr 25, 2018
I bet people would see them only as random scribbles, considering the phone call is interpreted as barking.
Double-page supporter
Mar 17, 2019
@KuroeNekumi I agree that's there's definitely fridge horror with this SCP but the cute-ish super-deformed art style kinda kills the horror for me.
It also just feels weird that the Foundation manages to contain more dangerous and insidious SCPs than this but just kinda half asses it with this one.
I like the concept but it just makes the Foundation seem dumb and inept.
Apr 2, 2019
Continuing on the tradition of countless SCP Researchers, we must explore the question, "how would the Invulnerable Lizard react?" and "are we able to weaponize this to kill it?" 😇
Dex-chan lover
Nov 28, 2018
@alannondarklord ok, fair enough on that point, the artstyle does hamper the horror.

And TBH, it barely does anything that excesively dangerous or problematic besides doing stuff that is believable though highly improbable that a racoon could do, specially if it were to have some kind of anomalous properties to have human level intelect, weight and dexterity, plus having DNA that matches a human while being a racoon, and try to escape containment without triggering big incidents.

The part that feels the most weird of them all is when he tries to call his wife, but as far as the document concerns itself with, that the weirdest and creepiest part of the story: the one thing that, even if anomalous, should raise particular suspicion that something's off is just glossed over as "something weird, random and coincidental that the racoon managed to do". The effect of whatever cursed or affected the agent is so strong, or he's just so inconsequential besides being a racoon with particular abilities that, even then, other SCPs have also shown while posing as a bigger threath, that the Foundation, or at least the people assigned to this SCP, can't even conceive that it is something particularly worrysome.
Fed-Kun's army
Oct 5, 2018
At first I was confused, then I understand, now I wish to not understand
Dex-chan lover
Mar 5, 2019

Oh, you think this is sad, I vaguely remember one with a similar scenario, forget what number it was though...

A crew of foundation personnel were sent to study an anomaly, when something happened. Of the entire group, only a single agent was left unscathed. After recovering his senses, he proceeded to return to the Foundation Site he was assigned to, passing by a small town.

It was a normal place, indistinguishable from any other town you and I have been in, save for the fact that not a single soul was seen as he passed on through.

When he reached the Site, he saw once more that nobody was there, no Scientists, no D-class, not one person in any part of the place. He came to the conclusion that the anomaly has erased all of humanity, and that he must either kill himself, or bring them all back. So far, he has been writing a journal.

In truth, the anomaly has only erased his ability to perceive other people. He could not see, speak to, or even touch his colleagues, despite them seeing him as if it were any other day. Interestingly, the only people the agent could see were those near death. One guy got depressed seeing the agent wandering around the halls, alone with his thoughts, and tried to put a bullet in the poor agent's brain. In the struggle with other foundation personnel, he shot himself, and the agent witnessed the man's last moments.

The site keeps the agent around, letting him wander the halls as they study him, giving him a sort of "itinerary" as a means of preserving his sanity. Will they ever restore his situation to normal?
Jul 24, 2018
For those badmouthing The Foundation, lets hear your Super Genius Solution to things like SCP-100-JP then? or maybe SCP-231? Where one mistake would mean the extinction of humanity, hm?
Dex-chan lover
Jun 14, 2020
God, poor Agent

Also this is lowkey one of the more powerful SCPs in terms of danger. Even all of the Foundation’s safeguards against Infohazards failed to make them realize that there is something strange about the Racoon and just makes them brush it off. You could brush it off as LOLFoundation, but it definitely can be read that something beyond the Foundation’s capability to contain is causing it.

Thankfully it just affects 1 poor sod

For now

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