Huh, apparently this SCP doesn't exist in english SCP wiki but instead exist in JP SCP wiki one. Does that mean the JP in SCP-835-JP is exclusive to japan SCP?
@AkunDami yep! if they have de jp in their name they are japan exclusive. English scp started it all and then jp branch joined the band wagon later. Its neat to see the different aproach to the idea of both sites.
@Solipsist Anything can be cannon in the SCP universe if you make it cannon. I can make an account, make an SCP in the form of Truck-kun that will transport people into another world, and if it gets a ton of upvotes, it's cannon.
It was my way of saying, that this specific SCP is not really interesting or believable to me. Hardly any effort was put into making it an "SCP", instead it's more like someone thought to himself "hurr durr let's make waifu jokes". Meh.
Some SCP's get a ton of upvotes becomes they're cute and moe, which is a reason for deletion aswell. A SCP cannot merely exist because it's moe and cute.