For those wondering, poor Dr. King and the apple seeds is a very old SCP joke. The origin I have no idea; but it seems to show up the most in very early SCP.
What does it mean...? ...well not every researchers strangeness is as easy to understand as Dr. Bright.
Subject: Dr. Malfoss Photographed Activity: Sitting at his desk reading a report on SCP-682. Photo Result: Dr. Malfoss is riding SCP-682 through what appears to be a world war II-era battlefield, slaughtering soldiers with what appears to be some sort of elongated katana sword. Note: Well, he's just thinking what we all would do if we could control SCP-682.
Nope... or at least I don’t think so based on her affects what she sees... so seeing a virtual world is still technically “seeing” a virtual world...
So Dr. Bright's biggest desire is death.. thats really sad. Feel bad for Cassie and 187 too. Poor Cassie wants to be in our world and 187 just qants to enjoy a normal meal without seeing nightmare fuel