...unless that was carved into her flesh. a drawing wouldnt transfer into that memory realm. i'm putting too much thought into this off the rails story.
...unless that was carved into her flesh. a drawing wouldnt transfer into that memory realm. i'm putting too much thought into this off the rails story.
I know I keep saying this arc has been unbearably long, but it's difficult to write for characters that are powerless/weaker compared to what they were fighting, and/or if their opponent has strange powers/vulnerabilities. It's nice to see finally see some progression though. Granted, the writer could've avoided all of that by not writing the antagonist to be that complicated in the first place...
"Trust me, stick your butt out" Leighmary can be funny
(Youta uses MORE sex as their motivation even without their reason, and it works) Yaruya: Wait a minute, that's illegal.
Finally moving past the whole "she's unkillable!" plotline.
I really dislike these type of enemies simply because it usually takes half a year for the characters to use their brain but luckly LeighMary saved us from more torture (they will get tortured in bed still).