firefox1234: You didn't really address anything that I said. What I gather from your answer is that you seem to disagree that a "typical fainting MC" would fit in just fine if we swapped our MC with him. While I didn't argue anything about unrealistic stuff such as fainting MCs (which as a matter of fact is not as commonplace as you state it to be, for every fainting harem MC, I can name one that doesn't), I would however note that my point stands. If you plugged in the most retarded beta fainting harem MC he would simply get raped after fainting with this premise here. The premise is simply too convenient. You can put anyone as a MC and it would work out. Not to mention that the only non-generic traits of our MC are negative ones.
It's actually pretty ironic that you bring up other harem MCs. Most of those at least have some redeeming qualities, even if it's the generic kindness bullshit. On the other hand, this MC has no other redeeming quality except the fact that he has a dick. So he doesn't even measure up well to other betas, no wonder the premise had to have him as the only male. Imagine him having to compete with a handsome, sexy, buff character that does not have to be dishonest with his desires and is not a closet sadist - it's simply not happening.