Parallel Paradise - Vol. 5 Ch. 45 - This Appears (T)

Dex-chan lover
Mar 13, 2018
That is in no way necessarily true.
But it is. Consider China, India, Bangladesh, South Korea, Russia (especially densely populated cities) - people are valued a lot less there than let's say Greenland or New Zealand. And you can clearly note this in the treatment of the people there (you don't need to trust me on that - take a trip there). And this is not some amazing discovery of mine - it's a well known fact that is both biologically and psychologically motivated. People in Japan also used to be treated as slaves to their companies previously (especially during baby booms). And surprise, surprise - since the population started dropping this also changed. It's simple math - you have more people - they are easily replaceable -> lower valued and treated worse. More competition for the same land, work, etc. And no - you do not need an enormous workforce in a developed country especially with the fast advent of neural networks.

Healthy civilizations grow. Healthy organisms grow, and have stable growing populations.
Until they don't. It may come as a surprise to you but resources are limited. I am not even talking about a breaking point of unsustainability - it's not a binary distinction. Population density and the negative effects of it are a continuous function.
Jan 24, 2019

" People in Japan also used to be treated as slaves to their companies previously (especially during baby booms). And surprise, surprise - since the population started dropping this also changed."

Not really. Companies still largely treat their workers as disposable, maybe more so now than ever. "Lifetime employment" used to be a thing in Japan and companies were more like extended families that workers were expected to be beholden to their entire lives. Under the current globalist neoliberal paradigm, workers are more expendable now than they've ever been previously. The only thing that has really changed is that companies are hiring more temp workers now than full time workers so they can justify firing them easily and deny them things like benefits. In fact, the number of full time employees peaked in the late 90s, sometime around 1997 or thereabouts. Most workers in Japan are temp workers with no job security at all. Greenland is an extreme example because its a small island of like a few thousand people. New Zealand is not that much different from any other Anglosphere country. Unless Japan's population literally craters due to some kind of disaster, nobody is ever going to be that non-expendable.

"Until they don't. It may come as a surprise to you but resources are limited."

Resources are nowhere near that limited, so its pointless to bring that up. Lack of resources is not the reason Japan's population is shrinking.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 13, 2018
Not really.
Yes really. This is both wrt expectations at works (including work hours) as well as expectations at school (e.g. not such focus of cramming).

Resources are nowhere near that limited, so its pointless to bring that up.
Land is also a resource - go check out the space they have in cities over there.

Lack of resources is not the reason Japan's population is shrinking.
It is not the main reason Japan's population is shrinking, but that was not my point. My point was that it was a good thing - higher population density is a negative, especially from the pov of your average person in a developed country.
Jan 24, 2019

"It is not the main reason Japan's population is shrinking, but that was not my point. My point was that it was a good thing - higher population density is a negative, especially from the pov of your average person in a developed country."

Except you've offered no proof for that assertion. Assertions made without evidence can be dismissed without evidence.

"Land is also a resource - go check out the space they have in cities over there."

Yes, land is a resource and Japan are islands. Everyone knows that. That's not the reason Japan's population is shrinking so its pointless to bring up. The cities maybe filled with people but the countryside is emptying out because all of the younger people are moving to the cities. Japan is nowhere near close to running out of space.

"Yes really. This is both wrt expectations at works (including work hours) as well as expectations at school (e.g. not such focus of cramming)."

I don't know what Japan you are talking about, but its not the one in the real world. People still work long hours everyday, even to the point of death. The Japanese even have a word for death by overwork. And Japanese students still go to cram schools for hours on end to prepare for entrance exams, and school pressure/problems is the number one reason kids commit suicide in Japan, which has one of the highest suicide rates for a developed country in the world. What you are saying has no bearing on reality at all and doesn't strengthen your point.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 13, 2018

Except you've offered no proof

you have more people - they are easily replaceable -> lower valued and treated worse. More competition for the same land, work, etc

Pretty sure you are trolling at this point. You can't just go with the postulate of "you've offered no proof" when it's right under your nose, and you even failed to address most of the points.

That's not the reason Japan's population is shrinking so its pointless to bring up.
I literally said it was not the reason in my previous comment. But it is nonetheless a good thing for the average person there.

all of the younger people are moving to the cities. Japan is nowhere near close to running out of space.
Competition for specific land is still competition. I'll reiterate - you do not need a large population in a developed country in the advent of neural networks and automatisation.

I don't know what Japan you are talking about, but its not the one in the real world.
You seem to be mistaking the real world with your distorted idea of it. All the things I have said are verifiable with a cursory search. The tendency for less cramming and less working compared to previous generations is something objective that you can check - in fact the whole generation got a label due to that - go on, do verify it.
Jan 24, 2019

"You seem to be mistaking the real world with your distorted idea of it. All the things I have said are verifiable with a cursory search. The tendency for less cramming and less working compared to previous generations is something objective that you can check - in fact the whole generation got a label due to that - go on, do verify it."

I have already done plenty of research on these very subjects, enough to know that what you are saying is BS. And if you are talking about the whole "Lost Generation" thing, that is meant to be a descriptor of the decade that immediately followed the Japanese asset bubble collapsing, leading to economic collapse and a general cultural malaise. It has nothing do with the number of hours people cram in school or the number of hours people work. Since you like telling people to look stuff up, let me throw that back at you: the Japanese work so much that people literally die from overwork and the Japanese literally have a word for it. Look it up.

Look, clearly we are not going convince each other and this is getting on my nerves. Lets just cut the conversation here and move on. Good day.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 13, 2018
I have already done plenty of research on these very subjects, enough to know that what you are saying is BS.
Apparently not. Read up on the Yutori generation and the changes in education and working conditions associated with it.

the Japanese work so much that people literally die from overwork and the Japanese literally have a word for it.
Which doesn't contradict anything that I have said. In fact suicides % has been steadily decreasing with the decrease in population. From 2010 to 2015 they had a large 20% decline.

Look, clearly we are not going convince each other and this is getting on my nerves.
By all means, you are free to disagree with facts. Be aware that your mentality of "more people go brrr" as a solution to everything, even when presented with clear arguments against it, is simplistic and unfounded.
Jan 24, 2019

"Which doesn't contradict anything that I have said. In fact suicides % has been steadily decreasing with the decrease in population. From 2010 to 2015 they had a large 20% decline."

Except suicides have been decreasing worldwide throughout the same period, and Japan still has among the highest rates. Of course, at around the time suicide was decreasing, other social phenomenon were rising, like the Hikkikomori. Take that for what you will.

"By all means, you are free to disagree with facts. Be aware that your mentality of "more people go brrr" as a solution to everything, even when presented with clear arguments against it, is simplistic and unfounded."

Except you haven't actually presented any facts, only basic assertions with no evidence. That has been your only real method of argument.
Dex-chan lover
Jul 29, 2020
So far, the only 2 who didn't get a collar are the 2 who masturbate a lot, right?
And that doesn't include Pinako, who doesn't "masturbate a lot", but lost her hymen to a dildo at the hands of Kaiwoman, so being a virgin isn't it either.
Active member
Apr 14, 2019
@Tonikill1 yeah, and that is fucking weird; masturbate and you fucking die (or don't get the power of seeing children and being marked as cattle)

And with all that talk of evil gods and tides lowering I just think "And when at length the tide receded, jewels of the most magnificent grandeur lay scattered upon the shore."
Only thing is.... there's just a corpse of an immortal little girl's mom.... sad

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