Party kara Tsuihou Sareta Sono Chiyushi, Jitsu wa Saikyou Nitsuki

Nov 4, 2020
5.5-6 (at max) its bland like stale bread its not to bad that I would vomit my guts out but its really just meh but hey anything to bring me through school Ig.
Active member
May 4, 2018
Whilst i wouldn't say it's a bland story. It's very cliche in it's opening execution. For anyone wondering, these first 5 chapters are about as cliche as you can make it, and unfortunately, the pacing of whats there and caricature of some of the characters does not lend it to being particularly well done. I'm reading cause I'm waiting for the eventual divergence these stories all have, where they start to build upon itself instead of relying on some premise, but don't jump in expecting anything particularly noteworthy.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 9, 2020
I though this would be a healer that was actually a paladin, so it was a good excuse for him to be a defective healer but a strong frontline turns out it's just your typical shit where his party doesn't have any common sense and any social interaction with other party and think that MC is weak just because while in reality MC is a superhuman god
Dex-chan lover
Aug 20, 2018
@olstar18 I dunno man, the first few pages' dialogue was literally "youre a defective healer" and "im a defective healer" and I assume will be the same for the rest of the series.

this ones pretty bad and not surprising anyone would dump on this.

but hey if you like this and youre just mad someone hates something you like, dont be. its a great thing to find something you enjoy reading. dont let others stop you from reading what u want
Active member
Apr 6, 2020
"When the manga that I like and have read for a very long time ago had a new chapter"
Apr 25, 2020
@eureur Not surprised. Its kinda expected that people like the two of you will dump on a series as its starting and before it has the chance to go anywhere. How many series are there that show the strengths that made them successful within the first 10 chapters.
May 30, 2020
they have the same mental issue of the average japanese citizien : why the healer is at same time a trash and an op multyclass MC ? trash manga don't waste your time or say goodbye to your last braincell 1\10
Jan 31, 2021
Honestly? Pacing was a little weird at first, and it's a little cheesy, but I've read way worse that was rated better. Give it a shot, it's 6 chapters so far. What do you have to lose? Also indeed surprisingly not a harem (yet)
May 31, 2019
@MRain I mean, can you blame them? If the guy isn't pulling his weight, why would they know to keep him around?
Dex-chan lover
May 17, 2020
Mediocre art, terrible pacing, everyone around the MC is an idiot. 3/10

Seriously the story beats are fucked. It's like someone cut out pages between the scenes or something so it's like the manga jump-cuts everywhere.
Aggregator gang
Jan 20, 2019
not very good at all. 70% of the story is literally just exposition explaining stuff. The pacing is all over the place, and it's about as cliche as you can get.
MC gets kicked out of party for being weak but was actually one of the strongest people in the world the whole time while still thinking he's super weak. previous party suffers losses because of it etc. etc. How did he get so strong? dunno, apparently pure effort.

There's nothing that makes this unique. there's nothing he seems to struggle with besides low self esteem.

There is also no driving plot to the story. What's his goal? as far as I can tell it's to protect people, and that's about as shallow as it gets.
compare it to A NEET's Guide To a Parallel World. That MC's goal is to get revenge on all his classmates who mocked and abandoned him. At least there we have a clear goal and destination, and later on in the story we get new goals and threats he needs to overcome.

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