@GruntZone360 @bingel919 Just ignore/block him and report if you want. There's often someone that has to get really nasty in comment sections. There's almost never any actually good logic behind their reasoning. It's generally all unemphatic nonsense.
One reason I'll see is for someone like that guy is, "I'm a guy and I can't relate to a female protagonist". Which in my opinion is the mindset of a highly immature and often young person who can't empathize with people on a human level. Should left handed people only read and watch series with only left handed protagonists? No because that'd be silly and absurd, just like this is.
I'll never understand people that can't put themselves aside and enjoy a story for what it is. I read and watch things regardless of who I am, my sex, gender, race, sexuality, and so on isn't relevant and shouldn't relevant to my enjoyment of a good or at least fun story. I know one of the common responses when I bring this up is "well everyone has preferences", that's very true, but preferences shouldn't completely lock doors for people. I think people in my opinion should try to go outside of their own "norm" and empathize with people on a basic human level, both characters in stories and in real life. However people are free to disagree with me there. Ultimately though there's absolutely no excuse for that guy to start swearing about a character simply because she's female, that's irrational and sexist.
Edit: The guy's profile says "he's just having fun in the comments and people shouldn't take him seriously". That just sounds like an excuse to say offensive and rude things, at least that's how I see it. Maybe I'm being overly serious though, I don't know.