Peerless Dad - Vol. 2 Ch. 156

Dex-chan lover
May 18, 2018
Lmao Daddy is cursed. Always gets beaten up as soon as he thinks he's strong.

I do hope they start teaching him something soon though.

Edit: @Binary10011 Haha posted literally together.
Dex-chan lover
May 22, 2019
I feel like this could be resolved if he expressed his concern about being away from his children and they told him that using metal ki will make him into a complete nut that might hurt their own children.
Dex-chan lover
Oct 20, 2020
So wait, they want to convince him he doesn't need ki by showing him how easily he can be pummeled by ki? That would only make him want more even quicker, wouldn't it?
Dex-chan lover
Dec 24, 2018

Yeah, this was weird. They should have just beaten his ass with skill in stead (eg: metal ki limits your speed like USSJ or something). I wonder if, to show him how bad an idea ki use is, fire ki man will be shown as being hurt from having used it or something. The lady seemed worried when he loosened the wrappings on his arms.
Aug 16, 2020
Yes let's show how bad metal ki is with fire ki, makes so much sense. It's not like mc learned metal ki for fun. He realized he was lacking when fighting people that use ki and metal ki at least seemed to be what his master used and it was available. This whole let's beat the crap outta mc and make him look stupid is nonsense imo. All it did was prove the mc definitely needs to master some sort of ki if he's to continue stepping into meridium.
Oct 6, 2018
At this point Noh is something like a tragic figure.
Incredibly skilled hardworking and a good person but his master and his clan elders are hell bent to screw with his dreams.
Dex-chan lover
Apr 9, 2019
We learned earlier on that Ki is something you can only have 1 type of in the body, if you have 2 or more it disrupts your body and the Ki that you are working on. Metal Ki might be similiar to what Noh's master was going to teach him, but its not the same.
He has been raised/trained like a (insert reference) for years so that his body would be ready for the final step, only for him to mess it up and almost degrade it to a point of no-return.
Yes, morally how they are doing it is wrong, but words alone is not enough for Noh at this point because he is becoming delusional with his new found strenght, they are only trying to make him realize that his new power is useless in comparison to what he was supposed to learn, and by the end of it he would probably be extremely thankful to the elders for beating some sense into him.
Double-page supporter
Jun 29, 2018
Not exactly right. His master was teaching him in a way that needs absolutely no Ki. He was building Noh up to be a super human who would trash people with Ki even without Ki. But Noh screwed it up by practicing Ki. Now that Metal Ki is "ravaging" his mind (and body too, but miniscule). Making him act out and being rude, angry, rebellious, irritated just like the Metal Demon God was. It is a poisonous Ki. Hence Mo Wei was making Noh train totally different from those psychos. Noh's body is special. Very very special. It was even hinted in this chapter. You will see more soon. And those who are saying fuck the geezers... well they are trying hard to make the guy who is delusional on drugs not break his own body by learning something that would foil his dreams even more.
Active member
Sep 25, 2018
Hopefully they beat the metal Ki out of him. My boi Noh is acting like a crackhead
Double-page supporter
Jul 24, 2018
This seems relevant -

That guy is Noah's kryptonite.
May 17, 2020
It seems like they are all from different element clans, i bet old woman must be from water clan and brown dude from earth clan, but what i cant understand is what they reffer to themself as Noh elders which should mean that they from same school as Mo Wei, but they technicues completely differnt hows that?
Dex-chan lover
Jan 19, 2018
Why does it feel like dad is going to become the Avatar, with all of these elemantlists around him?

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