Am I the only one who hopes ludvilla is getting some action behind Peters back the way Peter is behind her back? Why can't she get some action?!?!?
@SilverSeagleLive think about it. Even if that did happen, little would change in this story if that were to happen, yet also kill the very premise of the story. The whole story revolves around him having sex wuth girls of various demi human races, then immediately feeling guilty about it the morning after. Ludvilla shows up 3 panels per arc to keep the plot of the story going then disappears in time for Peter to bone another girl. Without her it'd just be like those boring ass stories that do the 'what monster are we killing this week' plot, and if it were like that, it'd be boring af even if it had sex scenes in it. If you Wanna complain about characters that ruin the harem then you should focus more on these wannabe yandere annoying fathers. Peter would probably have had sex with ludvilla if it weren't for her dad, but that to adds to the plot annoyingly enough.