This is some good shit. The son coming back alive reminds me of Jack Baker from resident evil 7. (Fucking great game)
And I'm still sticking with my game show for rich people theory. Or it's a game show with like a punishment twist to it where they get fucked up people and put them onto an island.
Thanks for translating this house in the woodsesk manga bro, I just caught up and I don’t know people wouldn’t just read it here. I expected it to be a lot simpler in the beginning but the plot progression is juicy. This shit is just too good
GENUINELY CANNOT TELL WHAT'S GOING ON like i assume it's a show but like how do they get actors that look so much alike damn lol who knows the nuances dude
I dunno I don't think they're replicates I think it would be impossible to find sooo many people who look like the family members willing to kill for what?
Money isn't worth it if you're dead?
I think he's deluded or being tricked in someway
The way they come back over and over is like a video game maybe he's like in a coma and replaying some horror game in his head lol
Yeah they're probably look alike actors compelled to do this somehow.
It keeps teasing us with these shots of mc staring hard at the hidden cameras, maybe i'm just asking too much from this lunatic dumbass but i hope he's realizing it.
I think the island has some mysticism. Mailbox on the beach, ghosts, people who don't die, people who die, methodical routines and some kind of reality show.