Platinum End

Feb 17, 2020
of wow, what a craptastic idea, show a chapter as being available (Platinum End ch 57), and then have a blank page that redirects the person who thinks mangadex actually has the ch, over to a publisher's website
Feb 17, 2020
@Another Rat ... oh ok ... so you do not mind a publishing company (or any other business) loading your computer (or smartphone) with tracking "cookies" so that they can collect every bit of your website viewing data so that they can sell that data to advertising agencies who will use your website viewing data to create "user specific" floods of advertisements that then get sent to your phone or computer

for those of us who have functioning brains ... that type of crap is NOT acceptable

there ARE other websites to get manga from that only have the typical pop-up type ads that are easy to ignore ... and that do not load data tracking "cookies" on to your computer or smartphone

of course to understand THAT, you would have to have an IQ that is a higher number than your age !
Dex-chan lover
Feb 18, 2019
I haven't read it, but isn't its premise the exact same as Mirai Nikki lol?
Jan 18, 2018
It ended
Apr 21, 2020
WARNING: DO NOT READ CHAPTER 58. Chapter 57 is the last one, please treat it that way and ignore 58. DO NOT FUCK YOURSELF OVER, DO NOT READ CH 58. I hope I can save someone
Sep 12, 2018
Possibly one of the worst endings I've ever had the misfortune to read. Take the advice of BrahMoment420 and just stop reading at the end of 57.
Nov 4, 2019
This was just fatalistic existentialism wrapped up in some weird Abrahamic packaging. It wasn't good.
Sep 26, 2018
Not the smartest god. Choose someone that wanted to kill themselves to become god...and winds up killing themselves after becoming said god lol
Jan 2, 2021
I thought it was good until "The Decision" was made.

I mean the decision of who became God. The whole thing just starts to die from there and the ending LITERALLY Kills it all....I do like how it lightly touches upon "planting God" though.

The art is amazing (as per usual of Takeshi Obata) but that can't really save an almost rushed and empty ending. Had potential. Let us hope the Anime adaption (which is apparently coming) does a better job.
Feb 17, 2020
ROFL ... looking at some of the comments by people who never were able to figure out what the story was "really" about

yeah it was a very twisted look at monotheist religious belief ... using some VERY non-standard "angels"

this story is one of those I put in the category of "dark, and deliciously twisted"

why ... because it goes in to ideas that while they have been getting discussed in the occult community for a VERY long time ... those ideas are absolutely completely and totally forbidden for all "good" Jews, Christians, and Islamics to ever ever think about ... some of those ideas have also been getting discussed in the sci-fi community for many years, and shown in various movies/tv series for over half a century

for those of us capable of actual conscious thought, this was an absolutely great story ... the rest of the human race, that is only capable of mindlessly repeating what their priests tell them, will never "get" it
Aug 19, 2020
I've binged read this manga over the course of three days and I felt like a changed man. I thought to myself, "maybe the future will be better after all".
finishing chapter 57 then I got to chapter 58 and I took it back because daaaaamn my hopes were crushed seeing everyone die like "omgggg whyyyyy" this is what happens when you get a suicidal middleschooler to be god
. Lol good read
Fed-Kun's army
May 11, 2020
Death is a fuel for life, a fire that continues to burn forever. Without death, can life continue? Seeing these God's wish for death has made think about it more deeply. Maybe since they couldn't find their real origin, their pointlessness in living consumed them to the point of choosing a candidate who wished to end his own life

At least for me, I kinda get the picture but I'd need another read to grasp it. I'll admit that I did not enjoy these last few chapters as much as I hoped but it was a magnificent read.

I wish this duo had more time to delve into these major themes in more detail though.

Plus, the anime better make the fights fucking epic
Fed-Kun's army
May 11, 2020
@brennu keep in mind that not all people are like that. I'm Christian. I'm not the most devote but I still have my beliefs rooted to an extent. I question these things all the time. I had a priest mention that doing so is actually a good thing, it just mustn't break your belief completely.

Although, you're right about certain things being "forbidden" or just taboo. But people grow up, the have different outlooks and all that. Eveyone (regardless of religion) has the conscious effort to think about these things found here

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