> Calling me disingenuous is simply an attack on my motives.
I am using disingenuous argument to mean a dishonest argument, and speaks nothing of motivation.
Whether an argument is honest or dishonest is exactly an issue of
And your posts have plenty of bad logic and falsehoods built into them.
You've studiously avoided any attempt to show any claim that
I've made to be false, and to expose any of
my reasoning as deficient. Instead, you simply ignored my argument when I first made it, and then attacked my motivations when I reiterated it.
Again: There are thirty two items in the sub-menus. The case that you've made for moving the one that you want moved could be made for moving each of them, which would clutter the page. So you need to make a case that distinguishes that one particular item, or you don't have a viable argument. All that we've got from you is
tunnel vision, then
vehemence, and then
I have never claimed that each item is going to be used as frequently as the next, but if we do as you have, and simply consider one particular item in isolation, then there would be a time-savings in moving that one item from a sub-menu. And you have never
bothered to present an argument comparing and contrasting these thirty two elements. Again: All that we've got from you is
tunnel vision, then
vehemence, and then
And, so long as that is how you proceed, you have no chance of getting what you want.