Is there a specific reason you want replies to comments and replies to forum posts to be treated differently? Aside from the nebulous concept of them simply being "different"?
I am glad you asked that. Them being different isn't nebulous. Comments are when you talk about specific chapters. Forums are open ended general discussions you choose the topic of by giving a thread title.
It would be like saying living rooms and bedrooms aren't different things because they both use the exact same building materials, so why do we need walls separating them out?
Why? Because they serve different functions!
But furthermore, when you make your own threads, these are specific topics you wish to get into. Comments do tend to be more of a reply system where you have a bit of an exchange and move on. So having forum threads of yours that you are subscribed to showing in their own listing to easily get back to find and get back to the conversation makes more sense in that way than seeing a bunch of independent alerts that only appear if someone bothers to @name you. I suppose I got to @name my own self to put my own threads in my notifications so I can find it again latter on, or does it even work to
@truepurple yourself? Yes it does. But one shouldn't have to go through such an inane cumbersome system. I'm suggesting a better way, and so far no one has commented on it yet.
Notifications get cluttered, if you want to find a old thread of yours to see what replies it's gotten but lots of people have @name'd you since then, you'll struggle to find it in your notification list. Which is another reason to have them separate. If they are separate lists you don't have as much to look through in your notifications trying to find one specific one.
What about making each comic chapters comments, a forum, instead of a thread, that way there could be threads within that forum. That way different discussions don't get all mixed up and become relatively unreadable latter on. Thus comments could have true threading to organize discussions.
Alternatively you could do it like Batato did. Having a general forum for the comic that anyone can make threads for to discuss various things about said comic that isn't necessarily tied to a specific chapter. You could also combine the existing system with that where a thread on the comics forum is generated for each chapter and that thread auto loads for the comments part of the chapter you are on, but someone can also make chapter independent threads for that comic to have discussions.
Either way, as Mrincognito said we should have the name of the manga and chapter or thread title showing in notification rather than a id number. Is this really the first time you've heard a suggestion like this Teasday? *blinks incredulously*