I reflexively grimace a bit that, being a shoujo manga, the girl who's concerned about her appearance is, of course, in fact perfectly adorable.
Like, that might even do some good here, for positive-body-image issues with a bunch of people who just think having some fat means looking bad. Just, the flip-side of the message would then seem to be "well, if you're not cute-fat—then indeed nobody will love you and you're screwed".
And then, the fact that the first thing the story goes out of the way to say is, basically, that she also has a "good personality" just makes it worse... ~w~; And then of all things, the one to approach her does so as a fat fetishist?! Like, the message here, for what a fat girl should need to do, be, and expect out of life, is actually really degrading and cruel. >_>;
None of this is to cast aspersions on the story's own intrinsic merit as a love story, of course, that's a whole 'nother kettle of fish. Just that I think it flubs any "being fat is okay" message in some crucial ways from the get-go.
...well, I haven't read all of it yet so let's see if it redeems itself any.