People asking why her character is tragic: Not only her mother messed her head up with the "pure bloodline" thing, she had to live away from her parents since 9 years old (probs making her view of blood line even stronger as a "memento" from her mother living away), but worst of all, she lost more than one baby. It wasnt simple "she didnt get pregnant". From what I understood, she did get pregnant, but they were all aborted or born dead. This is something that really messes up someons, carrying a child for months and hoping for its birth and that not happening. She lost her children. And linked to it she will lose the love of the only family she actually has (harold) and will probably blame herself for it because of not being able to have a baby. Yes, she is disgusting for being crazy with the pure bloodline thing, she is racist, (and the incest may seem completely disgusting for us, but not for them). But that doenst take away the pain she feels. And that causes her to become the villain that starts doing things she should not (like bullying bertas baby) to people that dont deserve it.