v>"KCOS"4#v($$ afff4++p ;load SOCK and set newline after http 200;
>v >0a"tnirpregnif KCOS daol ot deliaf">:#,_@ ;failed to load SOCK fingerprint;
v>221#vS00p ;store TCP socket at (0,0);
>v >0a"tekcos etaerc ot deliaf">:#,_@ ;failed to create socket;
v>00g2'Paa**'P+0""I#vB ;bind socket to port 8080 at localhost;
>v >0a"trop dnib ot deliaf">:#,_@ ;failed to bind port;
v>f00g#vL ;set socket to listening mode; >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>000{2u0}n ff*ff*0000"txt.gubed"on
>v >0a"netsil ot deliaf">:#,_@ ;failed to listen; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
v> >00g#vA 0a"detpecca noitcennoc">:#,_$ \$\$ ;accept a new connection;
>v >0a"noitcennoc tpecca ot deliaf">:#,_@ ;failed to accept connection;
v>0ff2++0#v{2u0#v} f1p ;set storage offset to (0,32) and store new socket at (f,0);
>v > >0a"kcats kcats ot deliaf">:#,_$f1gK@ ;failed to stack stack;
v>001f1g #vR!#v_ ;receive one byte from message; ; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;
>v > >0a"vcer ot deliaf">:#,_$f1gK ;failed to recv; ^
v>00g"G"-#v_ ;check for G (GET /);
>v >03ef1g#vW$f1g K ;write 404 header; ^
v>5>1-:!#v_001f1g#vR!#v_v ;discard 4 bytes; ;
>v;^; <> > > >;<;0a"vcer ot deliaf">:#,_$f1gK ;failed to recv; ^
>001f1g #^R!#^_00g:" "-!#v_ ;recv one byte at a time until space;
v >$
>v > >"index.html"v
v>:!#^_:"/"-!#^_ > ;append index.html to empty string or ending in /;
v>2\>:# #\ #g #2 #f #p #- #6 #0 #p #2 #f #: #+ #1 #\ #, #:_$1+:9997+++\06-pnf1+210 a,;un-reverse string;
>#vi$$$f1++ ;open file; ; ; v
v >03ef1g#vW$f1 gK ;write 404 header; ^ >
>0\2\f1g #vW$f1gK ;write 200 header + file; ^
> > >0a"etirw ot deliaf">:#,_$f1gK ^
#line 33
HTTP/1.0 200 OK
HTTP/1.0 404 h
If you are looking for something that is future-proof to some extent I suggest Python and JS frameworks like Next or Django.
That's a oxymoron.future-proof
JS frameworks
I like rust but I'm not sure if rust is matured enough for the front end development.As a surprise to no one who frequents the dev channels, I like rust.
However, most of my Rust code and tooling is private stuff I make and maintain for myself. Though for general use, Salvo is quite well documented and feature rich. Fullstack wise, Leptos is also a tool that is growing quite popular.
I've also experimented with Rocket (slow, bloated), Routerify (contributed some things to it), Actix, Tide, Axum (tower middleware is awful and ugly to write, would not recommend), Poem (well documented, really fun to work with), and quite a few others.