"Yo! My friend ain't got no rack like that!"
Seems like people are way too defensive about the manga that they like even though they make no sense, but critisize this manga for every little nitpick because they don't like the heroine and have their ego's caught up in a bloody war with the translator.
What those people seem to forget is that Kaoru is untouchable in this world.
What stoning should she worry about?
She can istantly drink a potion that takes her to the other side of the world and instantly heals all of her wounds at the same time.
She possesses powers and knowledge that to the people of that world practically make her a God herself.
People are pretty terrified of her, but I guess the translator is right and some people haven't caught on to that.
Why would she care about any wars?
She can get out of any situation in a split second.
She's not clever? Well, she tricked two Gods into making her nigh-omnipotent. Seems pretty clever to me.
And we're not even talking about how much of a friendship there actually is between her and Celestine.
I guess some people can't stand how Kaoru can pretty much do anything she wants without consequences to herself, but they're gonna have to deal with it or drop this manga and read one of the millions of manga in which the kind of characters they do like can do what they want without the story providing the least sense or reason for it.