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btw a lot of isekai series i see is a big fan service...
Is like what if a teen get inside a game world (Not a fantasy.. because there's a display menu). i'm okay with that, but is too over use (maybe) and when i see new isekai manga, somehow i know what going happen next. And also not a lot of that is bad... Some of them actually took a different path for the story, some of them introduce a new element that we're not seen before. And some of them like this manga, is less action and more story fokus and character development.
And i remember read article that some new writer, nowadays always took isekai premise. Because is popular and easy to set a problem for the story. So.. if you see a bad writing on isekai manga, maybe the author is just a newbie.... And is also how you look what bad or not.. maybe you (me can also be included) the one who's wrong about that...