Priscilla's Marriage Request - Ch. 30

Aug 12, 2019
Thank you very much for the hardwok😘

@xKitts I know it's sad but Tappytoon and Tapas are supporting great authors and artists financially. It's hard making this manhwa but they're dedicated to bring us wonderful series so little bit help will make them happy and that's what the TL's do by dropping them. Even I, still can't buy chapters from them so I'll just wait patiently until I'm able to work(because of covid😤) to be able buy and read them 🙂
Active member
Jun 14, 2018
@randomonlooker Well actually if you consider properly the author efforts in drawing and creating the story, the price per chapter is actually extremely cheap compared to the efforts. In tappytoon, you pay $0.38 per chapter. If Tappytoon takes half (just my assumption), the author is left with $0.19 per chapter. The author has to work for at least 40 hours a week, plus they still have to pay for assistants and utilities. The author maybe just receive less than $0.10 per chapter.

Despite the low earnings per chapter, popularity of the title makes a HUGE difference. You can either be broke or rich.
If we assume that the job pays $10/hour, it means the labor costs will be $400 only for the author. Normally, author has at least 2 assistants, so the total labor costs will be at the very minimum $1200. This is excluding all the other costs like renting an office/studio, electricity, etc2. Assume the rent+utilities cost is $1500 per month, every week it costs $375. Total cost minimum per episode: $1575. So if the author wants to break even, every episode needs at least 8290 people purchasing the chapter. Among the lowest views on tappytoon, on average one chapter is only viewed 1851 times, which means the author receives $351 per chapter. It's a total loss. But among the popular title like who made me a princess with 40k average views per chapter, the author can get around $6000 profit.
Double-page supporter
Apr 7, 2018
@Subject003 They used to do the same in USA for sci-fi in the 50's and 60's. Having monthly magazines that publish short stories and a per chapter of an ongoing story, but by the 80's and 90's they were dying out and by late 90's the internet was a thing and nerds were all up in that like wet on rice so the majority of sci-fi readers went online or just bought books. Manga has never really been published prolifically in magazine or weekly format as it has been inside Japan. Which only makes sense as Japan is the origin of the manga industry. I remember the days where manga was a dusty single bookshelf in a comic book store corner in the foreign comics bookcase. Now you can go to any big chain bookstore like Barnes and Noble and have an entire aisle of manga to browse through.

It's nice of you to give actual $$ value on the chapters like that, many of the sites try to hide the actual monetary cost by making you buy points or rubies or what have yous...
Thank you. (⁎⚈᷀᷁▿⚈᷀᷁⁎)
Apr 24, 2020
I don't mind paying for manga but Tappytoon is just crappy, overpriced webside. When you pay more then for physical book then something is wrong, especially when you just pay for access not ownership.

Your calculation is wrong. You work under assumption that creating avarage webtoon chapter takes 120 workhours (40x3people). It's not.

Also cost is mostly constant regardless of number of views. Thats why 0.38 is not cheap. If cost of making is 1500$ you can say 500$ is cheap, since you break even only if you find at least 3 people on net who pay that sum.

But there is a reason why in video or music format there is subscription for access, and paying for single episode is very rare.

With cost of 1500$ you can break even both with price of 500$ and 0.001$. It's better to receive 1 cent per viewer and get 100 000 views then getting 20 cent but only 2000 views. Not only more people read your work, but you get more money. And i doubt it's 50/50 cut.

You cite 40k views for most popular series. In comparison Webtoons had 1000k for it's most popular series. There is no reason to limit readers.

TappyToon instead works like streaming website but at the same time want to sell the old way. The sooner it will fall the better.
Sep 14, 2019
Thank you for the mass release, While I’m sad that you guys have had to drop this, thank you for all the hard work you’ve put into these chapters. You’ve done a spectacular job, and I truly appreciate the time and effort that goes into translating these. So thank you again.
Active member
Aug 17, 2019
Ah~ what a shame this one got dropped but thanks guys for all the hard work.

Sadly, I probably won't be reading Tappytoon since I've read that it's really expensive and tho I understand the author and their assistants have to eat and pay bills the same goes for me... So I guess this is it
Dex-chan lover
Sep 5, 2018
Ugh. I dislike Tappytoon. Their system is buy ink (their currency) and you use the ink to unlock chapters. 1.99 USD gets you 1600 ink, and chapters vary from 250 - 375 ink. So $2 could get you 4 to 6 chapters, for a value of .33 - .50 USD a chapter. Just give me the money value of a chapter like Netcomics (.25 to rent, .50 to own).

Also some of Tappytoon's translations renamed characters so they have English first names like it's a 4kids dub or something... most recently, Biting the Tiger had a char named Yun in Netcomics/Mangatoon, but seems to be TL'd as Destiny in Tappy?
Double-page supporter
Apr 7, 2018
@Moth @mapokl I'm not sure of how little an creator of webtoons make but a rookie animator makes less than minimum wages and the burn out rate is 1 to 3 years. That's why the animator dormitory project is a charity to give them cheap affordable housing near their work place. So they have the support to continue on and we get a next generation of anime.
Active member
Jun 14, 2018
@alternest Tappytoon never uses ink, it uses token. I think you mean Tapas, not Tappytoon. They're 2 different platforms. You mixed them up.
Dex-chan lover
Nov 21, 2018
Come little man, dance to the strings of greed. Right into her hands.

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