I've said it before, and I'll say it again. The characters here are so bad. It's not just Maya. It's how people react to Maya, specifically Izuki/Itsuki. Like, yes, it's pretty clear that Maya is supposed to be the character everyone hates. She's shallow. She's selfish. She's blah, blah, etc. It's clear. But why the hell does Itsuki/Izuki not only put up with her crap but even tries to support her? In comes this new girl whose only interest is Ritsu, and Izuki/Itsuki just bends over backwards to help her, even causing inconvenience or outright trouble for Itsuki/Izuki.
Like, that's just contrived writing. The rival character only even got this far because the main character does everything for her, even when that doesn't match Itsuki/Izuki's personality.