Pumpkin Time - Ch. 54

Group Leader
Jan 28, 2019
"Good, good, I can fly him back to America now!"
Oct 14, 2020
of course things got complicated right when the rival says not to make things complicated
Fed-Kun's army
Feb 3, 2020
Thanks Maya for shooting yourself in the foot. By trying to manipulate and monopolize him by sending him away to a different country you ended up helping him get together with the person he’s loved for years. Good! Finally did something useful
Jun 19, 2019
What a weirdo! Maya needs some counselling from Mr.slipper to the face. She really wants to manipulate this guy into flying back to US with the goal of getting together with him? Sis he has rejected you 100+ times whats not clicking?
Dex-chan lover
Aug 20, 2020
I've said it before, and I'll say it again. The characters here are so bad. It's not just Maya. It's how people react to Maya, specifically Izuki/Itsuki. Like, yes, it's pretty clear that Maya is supposed to be the character everyone hates. She's shallow. She's selfish. She's blah, blah, etc. It's clear. But why the hell does Itsuki/Izuki not only put up with her crap but even tries to support her? In comes this new girl whose only interest is Ritsu, and Izuki/Itsuki just bends over backwards to help her, even causing inconvenience or outright trouble for Itsuki/Izuki.

Like, that's just contrived writing. The rival character only even got this far because the main character does everything for her, even when that doesn't match Itsuki/Izuki's personality.
Apr 5, 2019
The chapters are getting shorter and almost feel cut off. This webtoon started off so good but just got lost somewhere. MC was likable in the beginning and they showcased her gender struggle. Somewhere along the way it's like the author dropped that and now it's about a girl who likes a guy.

Why is MC so hesitant and weak to the Maya character it makes no sense. Maybe if Maya was a close friend that she didn't want to hurt but they literally don't know each other. Why is she always apologizing for her actions to her.
Group Leader
Jan 28, 2019
@NyanNyan The webtoon version had large gaps between panels, so that seemed longer. I bought the Japanese version.
Dex-chan lover
Aug 20, 2020
@NyanNyan I completely agree with you on the MC being weak to Maya. You can see my earlier comment.

On the gender struggle, I kind of disagree, to be honest. To me, at least, it seemed obvious that it was never going to be actually about his/her gender struggle. When it literally just glosses over the "I used to be male, but then I became female" and offers no explanation or significant interest in it, it seemed it was just a plot device to set up this romance story. I'll rephrase. Even if they had no explanation, even if it was completely unexplained and the MC has come to terms with that, there was never any focus on the change beyond the initial setup.

@Forcy Are you making a distinction between webtoon (which is not country-specific) and Japanese (which is country-specific)? Do you mean the officially localized version for English versus Japanese? I'm honestly asking because I'm trying to understand.
Group Leader
Jan 28, 2019
@comeonnow0 I'm referring to webtoon as the long strip that Flower Moon TL had used before this. The long strip had more space between panels whereas this one is placed very close to each other.
Feb 18, 2021
@comeonnow0 There was an entire chapter detailing how badly it jacked his life up. There's also a dozen interactions with the cousin lamenting the situation in the first half. It's definitely not the case now, but in the first half it was definitely there. The only reason I'm still following this schlock is in the vain hope that it's the result of Ritsu's wish and the MC just lays into him for it, but it's been nothing but a crap romance for quite some time.
Dex-chan lover
Jul 30, 2018
isnt it fun when the entire universe exists in a small bubble around the MC so important character are ALWAYS there to overhear or crash a conversation
Some real B tier writing
Group Leader
Jan 28, 2019
This chapter is just a stab at the chocolate starfish, the next chapter should make you feel much better

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