Back when Yoshino (author) was alive, when asked about the plot and developments affer,the 15th volume of the novel, Yoshino only told management one thing: OOOO is going to XXXX
I want to draw everything up through the 15th volume of the novel and then everything else that leads to that development, although perhaps, that may now just be nothing but a pipe dream. Still, I haven't given up yet, so please look forward to what that development. If for some reason it becomes impossibe, I'll make sure to write what the development is in the comment section of the lastest volume.
As of now, it doesn't seem like the ending is going to be rushed. That being said, I can make any promises as to whether the manga serialization will be fully completed or not. The foremost goal for this manga is to draw as much as possible of the development that lead to the event previously mentioned. In case this provesto be impossible, the second goal would then be to finish at the most appropriate point and provide proper closure to the series. If I'm unable to accomplish the first goal, I'll personally draw the continuation on my own time, and if possible, release it as a manga, since I really want Rain to continue. I'll continue to do my very best and it'd make me happy if you could be with me every step all the way.
Sumikawa Megumi, December 2019
Translated by Death Toll Scans